Got out on Demontreville today

  • Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    I managed to get out for the afternoon with Deer hunting partner Bill. It’s always amazing to me how we can go from open water to 12 inches of good ice in such a short period of time. You could have driven a tank across that lake today. We started in the 18 foot hole in the first bay and never got a nibble. So it was time to pull the Otters around and poke a lot of holes. What we finally figured out was that most of the action was happening very shallow, in 5 to 7 feet of water. People were doing well on Northerns using shiner minnows, and there were dozens of Bass caught on tip ups today too! I helped one guy unhook and release a dandy bass that was in the 20 inch class. The Crappies weren’t cooperating but we ended with a chunky 14 inch Walleye caught on a waxworm and decided to call it a night. I can’t explain why the fish were all so shallow, as there aren’t any better weeds up there than there are out in 15 feet of water. For whatever reason the water clarity isn’t what it was last winter so that may be why they’re shallower.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the report. Think maybe the food was shallow so the fish followed? Its still early ice so to speak which also could be why they were shollow IF they were shallow before the water frooze. Just goes to show that mobility is important as you pointed out. Keep us informed and enjoy the ice fishin season.
    Thanks, Bill

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    I’m sure they were following the food. That’s never a bad strategy to follow if you can figure out where the food is! I’m guilty of falling into old patterns, in other words I’m looking in the kinds of places I found fish the last time. You have to keep moving and poking holes until you come up with a good reason to stop. It also felt strange to think of this time period as “early ice” as there was a solid foot of clear hard ice out there. It felt like mid-January, even though I know the ice wasn’t there two weeks ago.

    HNY Bill!

    Posts: 922

    There are some dandy bass taken (in my secret spot ) every winter. My friend personally took 2 over 21″ a couple of winters ago. I mostly fish with suckers, but you have to use shiners to get their attention. A couple of gators we got a few years ago would be pushing the low 40″ mark right now!

    Posts: 922

    Saw about 12 cars out there on Sunday. Anyone fishing this weekend? I am pretty sure I am going out there for a few hours…..

    Posts: 922

    Headed out on Sat PM. I’ll be in a White GMC Sierra or Maroon Geo Prism. Stop by to chat! PS – I’ll be on the north end.

    Posts: 922

    Took a friend out yesterday who had never been ice fishing. I don’t think I was a great role model – only 1 small snake from the north end…

    Anyone else out?

    Lake Elmo, MN
    Posts: 63

    Was on on Lake Jane yesterday for a few hours. Had 8 tips ups spread from 7-15 ft and not one flag all day. Other nearby had similar results. Not sure where they were hiding?

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