My brother (site name Aphid) and I have done a lot of 2 hr drives up to Mille Lacs in the past for the fall walleye trolling runs. With having families now, the random last second decisions to go when that night’s weather is forecasted with light winds and a touch of full moon, doesnt always work out like they used to.
Generally along mille lacs shorelines, we troll at 1-3mph in 5-10′ FOW husky jerks and rogues, spending about 3-6 hours on the water. Typically we get bit a lot with walleyes ranging from 20″-28″.
TIME though isnt there for us like before.
Just curious for feedback:
Has anyone experienced the “mille lacs jerkbait trolling bite” and also see it repeatable/comparable/proven on Lake Minnetonka? The 15 minute drive to Tonka would be much more doable than the Mille Lacs trip if so.(We could probably get approvals from the wardens/wives easier too…ha ha)
Thank you for the discussion and feedback!