Without Livescope, How Does Garmin Echomap UHD 93sv Compare?

  • Greenhorn
    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    I’ve been a Humminbird guy for a while and have no experience with Garmin products. Livescope may be a few years away for me, so how does the sonar/side imaging, etc. compare with Humminbird? How about for ice fishing? Looking to upgrade from a Helix 7.

    Posts: 1180

    Having owned both Helix 10’s and 93SV UHD’s, there is definitely some give and take. Garmin SideVu isn’t as clear as MEGA imaging. I prefer my Garmin sonar to H-bird. Mapping probably goes to LakeMaster, although well traveled lakes are mapped well on Garmin. Garmin wins the user-friendly category. I recently set up my 93’s to be used for ice fishing, that was slick. Alot of guys won’t sacrifice their MEGA and LakeMaster mapping for ease-of-use and the all-in-one package Garmin offers. All depends on how you fish. I would buy Garmin again.

    Posts: 3403

    I would agree 100% with ganderpike’s assessment. I run both birds and garmin to get the best of both worlds. I run GPSmap units rather than the echomap units though.

    Having owned both Helix 10’s and 93SV UHD’s, there is definitely some give and take. Garmin SideVu isn’t as clear as MEGA imaging. I prefer my Garmin sonar to H-bird. Mapping probably goes to LakeMaster, although well traveled lakes are mapped well on Garmin. Garmin wins the user-friendly category. I recently set up my 93’s to be used for ice fishing, that was slick. Alot of guys won’t sacrifice their MEGA and LakeMaster mapping for ease-of-use and the all-in-one package Garmin offers. All depends on how you fish. I would buy Garmin again.

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