With a wink of my eye……

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17293

    I ask, with the Casino closing maybe there will be some real subsistence fishing going on?

    Posts: 5303

    It’s always been substinence for most all of the Natives. Been to a rez lately? Stayed in a house, talked with any of them, not your cordial public setting type conversation but a let’s have some beers and talk some real $hit kind of talk? You’d understand.

    I’m NOT saying it’s right, I am saying most all that fish will go directly to hundreds of Native families across MN/WI. They don’t hoard like we’ve seen with us whities grin

    With that said there’s sour apples in every barrel.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6231

    I think using frozen walleye fillets as a currency, as in bartering, goes a little past substinence.

    Posts: 5303

    Pls reference last line wave

    Posts: 176

    Maybe it’s a reference to operation squarehook which basically legalized the commercial selling of the reservation walleyes in the Bemidji area to any individuals.

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