Got out for just a lil bit yesterday mid-afternoon. Really haven’t been in out a month or perhaps longer. I picked a neighbor boy as part of a bribe to get my 5-yr old to go. Hit some locations that are usually good for the dinks but really had no luck. It was only for an hour and half or so, so we really didn’t move around much. So, got a bit of work to do to figure out what is happening out there. The neighbor boy did have a big fish (assuming a musky/pike) on for just a little while before breaking the line.
We did a slow cruise afterwards and boy is there a-lot of debris floating around. So if you get out make sure and take it slowly. Sticks, stumps, whole trees, just a lil bit of everything. Some of shorelines and tree on the shorelines have been washed out also, so that was interesting. Your boat may also get a temporary paint/coat job so be prepared for that. Rod-n-gun could make some money with a boat wash on days like yesterday.
Looking forward to decent fall fishing…