Pre Cold Front

  • aaron
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 124

    The week long hot weather has come to an end But before this system changed the eyes were fired up. I was out on the water again Saturday night for a few hours looking for the open water walleyes. They are scattered across the main lake high up in the water Column and in big numbers. Long lines and lead core can yield fish just about any time of the day right now. #5-#7 shad raps in just about any color are producing. Craw patterns seem to be working a little better then others.
    Trolling long lines shallow as you near the last few hours of dark has produced by far the best numbers of the day. I was lucky to tie in to this 24inch pig when my lines ran to shallow and crashed into the weeds. Some late shallow runs are spitting good size eyes in big numbers. I hope this cold front doesn’t bring this bite to an end!
    I was fishing solo last night, sorry for the bad photos.

    ????When releasing a fish that is played out in warm water is it better to put it in the livewell and recycle water to revive the fish or should you get it back in the lake ASAP for a slow release????

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 674

    Nice fish Aaron! Good thing you used up your big fish on a non league nite

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    24″ eye on Wissota…nicely done Aaron! Heading out there tonight for a late afternoon/early evening bite! Hopefully they will be hungry again!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Was out last night and it was slow. Boated 3 walleye and a pike. Biggest eye was 17 3/4″…bit my jointed wally diver in 9 FOW. The rest came on weedless jig/minnow combo in about 3 fow on the weed edges.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 124

    Tuesday night league came to an end this week. All I could think about Tuesday is hitting that great walleye run again on our last night of League. Water temps have taken as much as a 10 deg. swing in less then 3 days. Needless to say the eyes we had been targeting are long gone. We ended up with 5 under the slot after making 3 passes. On a good note we did pick up just as many crappies over the same water. Aggressive little crappies hitting our #5’s at 1.8mph 11 – 12 1/2 inchers. Good fun, just not good scoring fish. With any luck this week will bring in warm weather again to fire these fish up for one last summer pattern run. Fall transition will be taking hold if the water gets any colder. This could put a lul in our fishing for a few weeks.

    Dartman – I hope your bite holds out. More fish should be moving shallow in the shorter days.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Possibly heading out this Sunday…depends on the weather but it looks like it will be too warm to hit the woods to hang stands. Sunday evening might be best…might try trolling #5’s in the shallows. Picked up a pike doing that on Tuesday night so hopefully the eyes will be back with the heat.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 169

    Nice fish Aaron! I haven’t been making it out as much as I have wanted to lately. I would definetly get the fish back in the water after a pic or two is taken. Especially if the fish was caught in deeper water. When we hitting Wissota?

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