Wow. That’s about all I can say. Wow.
As a Wissota walleye guide and an FLW veteran, I have some thoughts about the FLW’s choice of venue for the championship. I’d really like to hear what other guys think of Wissota hosting the finals.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Wisconsin Lake & Rivers » Wissota, Lake » 2009 FLW league championship coming to Wissota
I really do not even know what to say about that!! I am a little concerned about all the pressure that it will bring to the lake. Wow is right.
With the current limits in effect and the general size of the fish it should make for a very close championship
Jason they are coming for the same reason that FOM came last year for their regional,Chippewa visitor bureau wants them here. They understand the economic impact for the area and if is crowded so be it,u have to go catch fish all is equal even thou there is not much room,sort of like the spring in Red Wing with everbody at the dam.
Like I posted Else ware
Going from those lakes to Wissota for a final… can you say 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I’m guessing the Chippewa Valley Visitors bureau had a bunch of $$$$$ again. Wissota is a slot lake (14to 18 you can keep 3 one over) that according to the DNR has I believe a 12″ average (Jason H has the stats) maybe it should have been a qualifier instead I could see that but a final
Well if nothing else it will be a Summer to learn from others
Kevin, do you know what the host site is?
If FLW was talking to R&G, I assume that you’d have known about it.
Are they really going to use the View like the Elite 50 or the FOM did? Didn’t the View go into foreclosure last month?
Could they be thinking about using the State Park with the weigh in at the beach area?
The launch location is one of the many headscratchers for me.
At least we know where the Day 3 weigh-in will be….at the new Wally World on the 53 bypass.
To submit a permit application, FLW would have to identify the launch/weigh location (assuming the process is unchanged from last summer). Since they haven’t been in touch with you guys, they must be planning on someplace else.
If I get a chance, I’ll drop a line to Joe Kurz, the biologist who would have approved the application. Joe should be able to fill us in on the details.
WOW I find it very interesting that they picked Wissota for the final!This could be a learning tool for those of us who fish it & also a bit difficult for the individual guys who havent.Finding room for 100+ rigs To me the only option would be S.P.& can you say overflow.The only question would be the bag limits, although bag limits apply to everyone so its a even playing field ? Boater & Co 2 overs & 2-3 unders.Hmm considering fishing a different league this year.
Dr.H, Sully, 2K’s I think a G.T.G is in order!Thought I read or heard 850K View.I noted a few improvements at the state park from the water in passing.
Might have to make a trip out there & see if I cant find out more there.Guess it really doesnt matter too much still need to fish the league & do well enough to make it home.
Cant win if you dont play!
Interesting to say the least. Where are the qualifiers scheduled for this year? Might be time to get into the game if qualifiers are relatively close.
I can’t see how the View could be used with the current legal situation. Who knows when that will be resolved.
I do know this…my website has been crackling all day with guys thinking about Wissota for the first time.
The View could be out of commission for a couple years,with the current legal situation & not being able to locate the supposed owner – scam artist! I figured the guide trip thing would be buzzing off the hook! Cant give away too many secrets(key locations & tactics) now if your gonna be fishin the Walleye League & having a good chance of placing well at home.
Sifting through the archives can give just enough info to make it dangerous for those jumping aboard.
Could also bring in a whole new perspective on what our hidden bounty has to offer with the possibility of some good sticks coming. This should be a interesting upcoming season,can hardly wait to see how it all plays out.
Best of luck fishing all.
Brian, you need to hop in the league and qualify to fish Wissota. Won’t it feel good to drive that new 620 around, knowing that you won it in your own backyard? And I know you’re in the market for a 620.
I know of at least two guys who are ready to fish it…guys you know pretty well…who are better than average Wissota anglers…who would like to be able to work with you for the summer with the goal of putting 3 people in the championship….
Yes I’m sure 120 other guys are feeling the same about winning a 620. As I had stated earlier I guess you cant win if you dont play.I had been shopping about & havent found the right answers & or #’s on a new rig.With the market the way it is now & opinion from the second half
the new rig looks to be on the back burner.I can do what I need to with my current rig & should update electronics & would love to jump in but unsure about having the time I would want off to fish,being I just started working with a new company also.Still have a commitment to my family which comes first.If unable to fish I would be more than happy to give what I can to the homeboys.Still need to do well to make it home!Best of luck gents.
It will be interesting to see. Hasn’t the Bass Tournament been through here in the past few years?
There has been several bass tournaments hosted on Wissota, but most notably the Bassmasters Elite 50 was hosted here in ’05. It’s still hard to believe a bass tournament of that magnitude was hosted here.
most notably the Bassmasters Elite 50 was hosted here in ’05
That’s the one. It was quite the site to see!
I am not sure this makes a lot of sense to fish with the current restrictions. Is culling allowed? Like Eric said, this could be a very close contest. Unless just a few of the boats pull out a 26-28″ fish. I like the FLW, but kind of have mixed feelings about them coming to Wissota. Don’t really like the added pressure. I guess maybe some of the FLW boys should talk to the bass boys from the Elite, because of number of those guys were pulling out very big walleye. Good luck to any local boys thinking of jumping in!!
On balance, I am much more excited than I am concerned.
Wissota is a healthy fishery. It is underappreciated regionally. This event will help change that perspective.
Anglers will come to Wissota and catch a ton of fish. Walleyes. Smallies (ON FIRE in September). Cats. Muskies. Slab crappies. It will be a fun time on the water.
I strongly doubt that FLW will be able to convice the DNR to change the slot or bag limit restriction. That means the event will be essentially a big fish contest. 2 over 20″ each day gets you to the finals….finding a pair of 25-26″ fish along the way probably gets a guy a new 620.
One of the things that really exictes me is that people from all over the midwest will come to Wissota and approach it with a 100% fresh, unbiased perspective. We’ll see people fishing in places and using techniques that us Wissota regulars do not. I am anxious to see how other guys approach our backyward gem, and learn from their experiences. Recall that al of us regulars will be enjoying Wissota long after the last FLW trailer rolls down Hwy 53.
I am also excited to see exactly how many 25+” fish are catchable on Wissota. The DNR survey data shows a measurable population of those 25-30″ fish…but a low density relative to the scads of 12-14″ fish. Will we see a dozen 25″ fish per day at the scales? A half dozen? One or two? I’m excited to find out, given the number of those size-class fish that land every season.
Is co-angling an opportunity for local folks also? I am also interested to see some of the tactics that would be used out here.
All anglers (boaters and co-anglers) must qualify through one of the league’s divisions (MN, WI, MI, heartland).
Perfect, the same weekend as our Muskies Inc tournament.
Does anyone know how this event is run? I see their website says “top 30 boaters and co anglers” so I’m thinking only 15 boats and that won’t be as big of a deal BUT their permit states something over 100 boats. that could be an issue.
Will be interesting to see how this goes.
Jon Olstadt
Does anyone know how this event is run? I see their website says “top 30 boaters and co anglers”
Top 30 boaters and co-anglers from each of 4 divisions. That means 120 boats possible.
In general, the actual number is closer to 100 as people can’t or won’t come for one reason or another.
6000 acres…100 boats…as long as everyone stays in their own 60 acres, shouldn’t be much of a problem
6000 acres…100 boats…as long as everyone stays in their own 60 acres, shouldn’t be much of a problem
BUT their permit states something over 100 boats. that could be an issue.
Will be interesting to see how this goes.
Jon Olstadt
So they have a permit What landing do the state is going to be used?
Thanks for the clarification Jason.
I’m glad that our event covers more water than wissota so our contestants can spread out. I would not anticipate a lot of competition over spots but there will be a few.
Maybe I should try to win pool 4 so I can fish the FLW and MI event at the same time. HA!
Oh and about that 60 acres….I’m a “90% of the fish in 10% of the lake” kind of person so I’m trying to imagine which 60 acres. LOL! Wissota is smaller than 6000 acres in terms of fishable water.
Hi Kevin. The permit was approved earlier this week by Joe. They were going to use the view. Now they don’t know and are looking around.
That’s surprising the FLW would release the schedule without an approved permit.
If it’s not The View, I have no idea where they would hold this event.
What about Mallard Resort? That’s a real outside possibility.
I’d guess that there’s an outside chance they’d have an off-site weigh in all 3 days. Maybe walley world all 3 days, maybe someplace closer to town day 1 and 2??
If it’s a harvest permit, it wouldn’t matter where the weigh in is….if Joe issued a release permit, the event has to be on the lake….somewhere.
This is a little off the wall but I was thinking the golf course. Plenty of parking, a restaurant bar, they could take out at the DNR landing and come down to the weigh in.
I didn’t see the permit (just talked to Joe) so I’m not sure what kind of tourney they applied for but if day 3 was a weigh in at Wally World wouldn’t the whole thing come in under that situation?
Oh, maybe Lakemaster will hurry and put Wissota on their plans now. That would be sweet!!
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