bass fishing — lake wissota

  • shotie3
    Posts: 11

    anybody catching any bass on regular basis w/out trolling for eyes.

    What is the riverine area – I noticed numerous rivers that feed into Lake — do you catch Bass in the rivers ???

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Jason Halfen may be able to answer you questions. He targets that area and fishes for Bass on occasion.

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    Well rumor has it the bass are on fire up there right now. From past experience fishing the lake for eyes. The best way to get the bass is use a jig head and a chunk of crawler or a leech. Trolling for them hasn’t been all in all that productive (actually can not think of a time I picked up a largemouth on that lake trolling) you occasionally can pick one up trolling shad raps (smallmouth that is) but most productive for me has been a jig and a crawler and pitch the shorelines. They are all over the place and very hungry as of now.

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    Shotie, is there a live bait restriction for your FOM tournament?


    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 570

    I see that the nationals will be there in Sept.

    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Its the Regional tournament and not the Nationals. To be honest, there are alot of us not happy with the selection. As this lake will be very small for over 130 boats to fish…

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 674

    Sully you got BINGO !!!!
    the bass are all over the lake and there is more than enough room for a mesly 130 boats there is more out there right now as we speak, Besides you guys are pros at catching fish.

    Posts: 4179

    Hey, I’ve been known to actually go smallmouth fishing on purpose, from time to time!

    There are two major rivers and a couple of smaller creeks that feed the lake. As the water warms and into the fall as well, I focus on the rivers, for smallies and walleyes alike. But, as kevin said above, there are bass everywhere. While getting ready for our league to start last tuesday, I watched one of the league guys dangle a white spinnerbait into the water while picking out a backlash…it got whacked by a 16.5″ smallie. You can fish main lake rock humps and bars, sand bars, cribs, deep, shallow, you name it…there are certainly fish everywhere!

    Posts: 11

    all artificial — their is a Lake here in Ohio from looking at the maps that I seen — seems just like that !!! Deep and grassy 45 ft average

    Posts: 11

    Alot of the Ohio fisherman isn’t happy either — 11.5 hour drive for a regional qualifier on others home waters, But we are Fishers of Men and we will all be happy at whatever this tourn will bring.
    Come to the Thursday Meeting and see what we are all about.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 674

    Where are you people going to launch from with 130 boats in the turnie? the only place that I would thing you could launch from would be the rod and gun. But there is a problem from what I understand. Your f.o.m. org. left last year without paying the fee for the use of the landing and clubhouse and your people have been contacted 3 times that there is a unpaid balance. I would think that a religious org. like this would be true to there word and pay the unpaid balance for the rod and guns services. Maybe you could pass the word on to the higher ups and have them pay the bill so that there is no problems when you are up here and you people can enjoy your stay up here on lake wissota

    Posts: 11

    I told the mid-west Director about this and he is going to check it out — the ohio division has never been to the lake — We are good people and if something negative happend it will be fixed, Again check out the fishers of men website out and see what we are about it isn’t just Tournament fishing iT’S MAIN PURPOSE IS FOR US TO be Fishers Of Men and Follow JESUS. What would JESUS Do ?? He would pay the Bill if one was owed.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 674

    I am shur that the rod and gun club will appreciate it if this gets cleared up

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 674

    You know that if a person wants to learn the lake sometimes the best way is to have someone guide you on a pre fish, in fact it is rumored the FOM league that was here last year, the guys that won that here at wissota had a guided pre fish trip with Jason Halfen you may want to contact him on even a half a day trip, he is good and does know the water real well I booked with him last spring it was nothing but first class fishing.


    Posts: 11

    2k thanks for the tip, I won’t be able to prefish before the thursday the week of the tourn,it is off limits the week of until day before tourn. just to far away but again thanks for the tip.

    forest lake,mn
    Posts: 68

    going to the great lakes is just as long for people from minnesota.

    Posts: 11

    i won’t argue about that one, it will be fun no matter what fishing the great north.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146


    I fished as a substitute in the Big Bucks Bass team
    championship T out on Wissota last September, that was about
    a 90 boat event. For 6600 acres Wissota fishes SMALL. The
    deep center of the lake takes up a lot of that 6600 acres,
    so the shallow water bass guys got clustered up pretty bad.
    Especially on the known smallmouth spots like the Chippewa
    River, the Yellow River, grass points, and grass flats. In
    our tournament, ALL of my spots were covered by other boats,
    given our 80 something takeoff place. It was one of the
    toughest tournaments I have ever fished on Wissota, and I
    live 1 mile from it, and I have fished a few out there.
    That is all I can say with 130 boats, is Good Luck!

    Big Bass Bane

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