Wisconsin/Minnesota beginner.

  • austinhutch
    Posts: 6

    Hi everyone, new to the forum but have been reading/watching a ton of the videos online. I am new to the ice fishing scene, never did it growing up and have only been going out for the last two years. Have the essentials (poles,auger,shack, and flasher(new this year!). I am from the Hudson WI area and only dished pan fish on a local lake (pine lake). I would like to get out and try to fish some walleye that is not to far away. I dont have many friends that ice fish to really show me the ropes on where to go around here. I would really like to get my feet wet with some local walleye that I can get some experience on before I head up to some far north lakes ( red, LOW). Any lakes I should check out or tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    SE MN
    Posts: 5223

    If you wanted to get your feet wet, UPRL is the best walleye lake you could ever try. It has spoiled me for life so it is a great place to start if you ask me. reserve a house around the 1st of january from many of the options on Red and it should be a memorable trip. The lake is a bowl so it freezes early and the fish cruise along the gravel transitions.

    craig s
    Posts: 246

    If you want to fish Lowt,Red,etc. The best advice is, Just do it! A handful of jigging spoons, some shiners and your fishing.
    There’s no real secrets or structure to be concerned with and you’ll learn more catching eyes on” the big lakes” than trying to catch them on your local lakes.
    It’s all just fishing! Go do it!

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Being that you are in Hudson WI, you are only about 2 hours from Mille Lacs…depending on how fast you drive. crazy
    Word is that there are a few walleyes in there. You can make it fairly easy on yourself. Once the resorts have the ice roads established, pay your $10 and drive out. They will give you directions where you can go and will point out good spots that you can try.

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