Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship

  • Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    The 4th annual Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship is coming up on June 11th on Lake Waubesa in Madison, WI.

    Sponsored by the Capital City chapter of Muskies Inc and the Madison Fishing Expo, it is a great time for the youth and adults alike, there are prizes and food for everyone, plus it’s all free! This tournament is open to any and all youth up to and including age 18; parents or other adults may help out in the boat with driving and netting while the youth participants take care of the fishing.

    Feel free to contact me with any questions: Michael Winther, mike@winthernet.net, (608) 844-1382 plus full information is available on the CCMI website here: http://www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org/calendar/

    Please share with anyone you know who may be interested!

    1. muskie3.jpg

    2. muskie2.jpg

    3. muskie1.jpg

    4. WYMC-2016-flyer.jpg

    1. WYMC-Registration-2016.pdf
    2. WYMC-Rules.pdf
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