Wisconsin Wake Boat study

  • Charles
    Posts: 2123

    Just saw this video from Wisconsin that they are studying the affects of Wake Boats.

    Very Intertesting.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18794

    I posted this in another thread earlier this summer. I hope Wisconsin follows through on their increased rules for these monster trucks of the lake through state legislation. If they do, other states will too. Education is not the answer because very few of them are following it.

    Posts: 583

    It have lived on bodies of water my whole working life. Yes, I’m lucky. I’ve seen my docks twisted and nearly carried away by wakes. I’ve seen my shoreline erode. It of course erodes from weather too. I was unaware of the downward prop direction. It makes sense though. I did not imagine the loss of habitat in deeper water that the first video shows. With that knowledge, a solution to satisfy everyone who uses the water will be very difficult.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    I can’t drive a loaded dump truck or heavy ag equipment down certain roads because of the damage it will do. The laws/ordinances to protect the roads seem logical.

    Yet somehow having laws that limit the size of wakeboats or more strictly where they can operate to minimize erosion and property damage are controversial to many.

    Something is going to have to happen. These wake boats aren’t getting any smaller/lighter, nor are their wakes.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    A friend of mine bought one about four years ago. He just sold it to a guy in Michigan. He seen the writing on the wall not to mention lake property owners getting confrontational with him on the lake. Makes me glad our property is on a reservoir. Lots of water but many islands, inlets and bays. No room for these monsters to operate. Plus lots of rocks and you better know where they all are. The lake has a reputation of eating props so even people unfamiliar with the lake itself know of the reputation. Rarely see someone operating at full throttle even.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    It’s crazy to think these boats are causing damage to the lakebed in 33’ of water. I almost want to rent one to add some structure to a couple of flat bowl lakes I fish.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    I almost want to rent one to add some structure to a couple of flat bowl lakes I fish.

    Make sure you tow it with a dangerously undersized vehicle and then blast terrible music while out on the water for the full experience.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Rodwork wrote:</div>
    I almost want to rent one to add some structure to a couple of flat bowl lakes I fish.

    Make sure you tow it with a dangerously undersized vehicle and then blast terrible music while out on the water for the full experience.

    It ideally should be a high trim level SUV or pickup with black rims. Maybe even a $8 coffee in the cupholder and be sure to park on at least 3 different painted lines in the lot as well.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3138

    That is pretty crazy how deep they are finding those holes the prop wash is digging out.

    Posts: 1180

    If the Ford Tremor owners could read they would be mad! Always in a rush to get to their 6PM tee time at the Classic and take up the double wide launch.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Make sure you tow it with a dangerously undersized vehicle and then blast terrible music while out on the water for the full experience.

    I just assumed the Lexus Midsize SUV and mumble rap came with it, you mean people are doing that of their own accord?!?! coffee rotflol

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    There needs to be a process where lakes are evaluated for whether or not these wake boats can operate safely and without damaging property or the environment. Then there needs to be an outright ban on these boats on any lake where they will cause damage.

    It’s not just about the size of the lake. There may be some large lakes out there that because of their habitat, water depth and shape, are simply unsuitable for these boats.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5184

    Allow them only on Prior and Minnetonka. They can be like a penal colony for wake boats.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Our lake in Wisconsin doesn’t allow jet skis. I know more than one that are no-wake only (no pun intended) so this is not unfamiliar territory. You can eliminate certain platforms.
    If the damage is that bad, end it.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Would outlawing the use of ballast help the problem? Without the extra weight the boat won’t sit the same in the water or create as big of a wake. Would this make it be more like a ski boat and then will ride on plane not causing the damage?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18794

    Maybe, but then they can’t surf on the wake, which is kind of the whole point.

    The amount of shoreline erosion alone is enough to significantly increase the distance from shore, or another watercraft. The problem is enforcement. Even if there’s more rules, there’s a serious lack of enforcement out there.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1920

    If they do a complete ban on them, enforcement will be easy. These boats are a joke, no one likes them except the people who have one. Way too much destruction of shoreline and habitat. They should be illegal. Throw them in the dust bin of history along with hydrogen blimps and 3 wheelers.

    Posts: 2918

    I agree with all of this – but good luck! you got a lot of people in high places that own these things. The 3-wheeler is about the only recent comparison in the recreational vehicle category, but it makes it easier when people are dying/getting hurt and cant protect themselves from themselves – that’s where government is best. People that payed potentially a high 5 or maybe 6 figure sum for a boat are going to have a lot to say when the law suddenly says you cant have them anymore. Plus it’s probably the fastest growing boat market and I’m sure the industry has some influence in the land of 10,000 lakes. Like it, or not. they’re here to stay. Maybe some regs on usage, bodies of water, etc, but you know how well those things are already enforced…

    Posts: 4362

    If they do a complete ban on them, enforcement will be easy. These boats are a joke, no one likes them except the people who have one

    No one likes them except for the people who have them. Sure that can be said about alot of things including a certain style gun that everyone either loves or hates. Good thing about banning wake boats is 98 percent of people couldnt afford to just buy one quick.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I realize Tuna boats don’t run around in circles all day, but they produce a similar wake. Careful what you wish for! I think the best answer is having wakeboard approved lakes, or portions of lakes.

    Posts: 1822

    I’ve seen jet skis do horrible damage to spawning beds. A couple years ago a guy had his two kids and a jet ski and they were popping it out of the water vertically. The reservoir has a max depth of 14 feet and the holes and lines from the jet are still visible from shore. Maybe the focus should be on damaging spawning areas regardless of vehicle type?

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    The lake our cabin is on in WI is 350 acres. Our Lake District has approved and implemented restrictions on when they can be used with Wake Enhancing. They are to pretty much stay down center of Lake and I believe are restricted to 10am – 6pm use. I don’t think they will ever go away. We don’t have a good means to even enforce the restrictions they came up with. Most owners of them on our lake are good about following the restrictions, but definitely now all. I personally can’t stand them. I ended up putting rip rap on my entire shoreline because of the erosion they were causing. Same can be said with 80% of my neighbors.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18794

    Only permitting them on a certain sized lake might be enforceable. But once on that lake, I would assume they would still have to operate a distance from shore in deep water, which would also have to be enforced. That part isn’t really feasible.

    Mike m
    Posts: 237

    Saw my first wake boat on pool 8 by Stoddard last weekend , it was out there both saturday and sunday , blaring music and making non stop waves . To their credit , they stayed in the main channel , and was mostly during midday. Honestly, the cabin cruisers , tuna boats , on the river cause more damage and disruption with their wake than these boats do .

    Posts: 12786

    The lake our cabin is on in WI is 350 acres. Our Lake District has approved and implemented restrictions on when they can be used with Wake Enhancing. They are to pretty much stay down center of Lake and I believe are restricted to 10am – 6pm use. I don’t think they will ever go away. We don’t have a good means to even enforce the restrictions they came up with. Most owners of them on our lake are good about following the restrictions, but definitely now all. I personally can’t stand them. I ended up putting rip rap on my entire shoreline because of the erosion they were causing. Same can be said with 80% of my neighbors.

    A lake association can ask politely all they want or put up their own signs. Not that you would have to follow that request.

    Erik Swenson
    Posts: 515

    It would make sense to limit wake boats to manmade water bodies only and prohibit them from State and National Park use imo. It’s also fair to say that we who operate other types of water craft do plenty of damage as well. We should be mindful of that especially when under 10′ of water.

    Posts: 19578

    I have to give credit where credit is due, on my lake up north the Wakesurfers (about 4-5 boats) stick to one long stretch of lakeshore that doesn’t have any cabins on it…. I think they are aware of the perception they give off to other lake users and are doing the best they can to keep everyone happy…. The blasting music is another matter but i’m too far away to hear it )

    Its all about respect, show it and you’ll get it back, dont and there will be problems…

    Posts: 4362

    A bunch of drunken pontooners tied together blast alot of loud music as well.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    A bunch of drunken pontooners tied together blast alot of loud music as well.

    Woooo Woooo Woooo…..how did my wife get brought into this

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Maybe, but then they can’t surf on the wake, which is kind of the whole point.

    Correct. But they can still pleasure cruse. So it doesn’t stop them from enjoying one body of water.

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