Crawled into the same stand i shot my bow buck in this morning. Not an ideal ‘gun’ stand but a good starting point and easy to slip into for a morning hunt. Nothing but squirrels from daybreak till 10 AM and then all hell broke loose. What started out as a buck fawn that snuck in on me turned into 6 deer in total, 4 adult bucks, the fawn and one unknown. Somehow they came in without me hearing their footsteps (this area has a lot of leaves on the ground and I usually can hear them walking in), which the way I set this stand up (for bow) you can’t see them till they are nearly on top of you (when they come from the south, same way my bow buck came) so in no time flat it went from no activity to having 6 deer in under 40 yards. Something spooked the buck fawn and they all scattered. About 20 minutes later i catch sight of a nice buck coming in at about 60 yards. Looked wide as all get out and decided I would try to shoot him if I could, wasn’t a buck I recognized but it’s not uncommon to have travelling bucks in November. He gave me a clean shot at about 40 yards, and he dropped right where he stood. This was the first deer I’ve shot with the 6.5 creed moor, while he never took another step I will say the exit hole and would channel wasn’t all that big so shot placement is definitely key (bullet broke the shoulder and blew out the lungs, just missed the heart). This rifle will be my sons once he fits it so thinking I may test some heavier bullets to try and slow it down to give bullet more time to expand (currently shooting 130gr hornady interlocks).
This is the first time in 30 years of hunting in WI I have filled both my bow and rifle buck tag.

