Wisconsin Opener!

  • scottaheller
    Posts: 213

    What’s the plan for opener in 3 day? We are in NW Wi near Yellow lake and trying to figure where to go. I’m thinking Yellow & Devil’s lakes will be zoo’s so maybe Little Yellow and the Yellow river. With ice out only a couple weeks ago I’m not sure what to expect.

    Posts: 1211

    Ill be on Wapo for my first WI opener. No idea what to expect, other than copious amounts of alcohol

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    I’ll be skipping those crowds and perch fishing on the river. Tuesday will be early enough for me to chase ‘eyes once the southerners have returned home and it’s less crowded.

    Posts: 513

    I used to be with the crowd on Yellow Lake for WI fishing opener for many years. It was never too bad, crowded, but never what I would call a zoo. Had one experience where a couple of guys puffed their chests at the launch, but simmered down quickly.

    I quit because of the 1 Walleye limit, not the crowds.

    I believe the bag limit is back to 3, just never went back.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 671

    Amateur weekend I haven’t fished opener for years. I’m retired now and will probably fish the Willow or Rainbow Flowage during the weekday. Good luck everyone.

    Posts: 213

    Amateur weekend I haven’t fished opener for years. I’m retired now and will probably fish the Willow or Rainbow Flowage during the weekday. Good luck everyone.

    Michael – How has the Rainbow flowage been? My dad lived in Lake Tomahawk and we used to fish Rainbow a lot with some very nice fish caught, 15 years ago.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 671

    Scott it’s been fairly slow since the Minocqua chain has been closed for walleye. A lot more pressure. I’ve been seeing more guides fishing it also.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 671

    Hey “amateur” good luck by the bridge. Minocqua area is crazy busy at the landings opening weekend.

    Posts: 352

    We will be opening the camper up in the Hayward area.

    Posts: 1310

    Heading to Yellow being going with my buddies from high school for over 25 years now. Then back to the turkey woods next weekend.

    We will also get some tree stands pulled and make plans for food plots. Good luck to everyone

    Posts: 213

    We ventured out to Little Yellow and the Yellow river to be met with nothing but wind and other fishermen trying to get out of the wind. Couple pike and bass but nothing to brag about. Went back to our little lake and found some hungry bass and crappie to salvage the day.

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