Wisconsin Hunt reg?

  • Basseye651
    Posts: 67

    Guy I’m a bit confuse about the deer limit regulation. A buddy said that you can shoot one antler deer, and have multiple does if you buy the tag for the does up to 4 does.<—This seems fishy to me…. Looking at the Wisconsin 2014 reg it state “Statewide: One buck deer per unused Gun Buck Deer Carcass Tag and one antlerless deer per unused Antlerless Deer Carcass Tag valid for use in the specified zone and DMU,” What the heck does this mean??? I’m planning to hunt in the State Natural Areas. Please feel free to comment in.


    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    As far as I know for the WI regulations this year, you are allowed only 1 buck per gun buck tag that is statewide and 1 doe per gun doe tag that is valid only in the specified zone. The zones that allow doe harvest this year are the Southern Farmland, Central Farmland and specific counties of the Central Forestland. Each county within those said zones has a specific number of bonus antlerless tags for purchase, that are specifically divided between private and public property and are available for purchase for $12. I do not know if there is a limit to the number of bonus doe tags that can be purchased by an individual, but either way at $12 for residents and $20 for non-residents it could get costly to buy more.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Yes what Nicholas said…… there is a antlerless quota for each section and once those are sold that is it. You could purchase as many does tags as you wanted in the area you hunt until they were all sold.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Also, the old CWD tags are no longer valid – however the bonus earn a buck stickers are still valid for this year

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Bassey-it varies greatly depending on which part of the state you’re planning on hunting. Up here, there are zero doe tags being issued, complete buck only in the northern zones this year. Download the deer regs PDF from the DNR website and study the zones you plan to hunt. That’s a good start.

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