glenn that is rather stupid to declare what ground your hunting.I think they are trying determine how many deer are shot on each.
Why,who knows.
it’s the bonus/antlerless permits that are based on the type of land being hunted; the standard buck (or choice depending on location) permit with your license is good anywhere. they provide more bonus antlerless permits for private land because that’s where the deer numbers are highest since that’s where hunting pressure is lower.
where i live in south-central WI you get your buck permit plus two antlerless when you purchase your initial license. i just put in for one of each, public and private (i mostly hunt public but occasionally get invited to private). you can buy essentially unlimited additional doe permits, so it’s not a limiting factor here at all.
in some areas further north where there are some antlerless permits available by draw, it’s more critical to know where you’re hunting as there are fewer available for public land.