Winter Rye Plot

  • ranger777
    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    This is my first year trying winter rye after reading about the success Jeff Sturgis has had with his plots.
    Planted 100lbs per acre on Sept 1st and added another 100lbs per acre Sept 15th.
    It was also a no till plot. I sprayed 2 oz per gallon of GLY once in June, another time in July, and a 3rd time in Mid August. By the time I planted on Sept 1st, most of the soil was exposed. I simply spread the seed and ran it over with an ATV to pack the seeds. No tilling, disc, drag harrowing, nothing. It was probably the most simple plot I’ve ever done.
    We have a lot of deer and they generally graze this plot down to dirt by the gun opener. Hopefully it’s a different story this year.

    1. RyeEastPlot.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Nice looking plot!! I absolutely love winter rye plots and so do the deer waytogo

    Posts: 9281

    Nice looking plot. I’m anxious to see what my late planted rye looks like.

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    DT-Pick up a Spypoint Link S solar cell camera. It’s so nice getting pictures sent daily to an app showing how my plots are doing. We’ve had one out since Sept 2018 on the same set of batteries drawing almost all solar power. These new cameras are amazing.

    Posts: 9281

    I had a different brand before. What does this one cost a month to run?

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    It’s $15 a month, or $12.5 if you pay in full for the year. I like having pictures throughout the year, so we paid in full for two of the cameras.

    Check out the new “wishbone” winter rye plot I did this year. I love a good carpet of green towards the end of October! )

    1. Wishbone.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Plot looks AWESOME Ranger!! waytogo

    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    Really nice looking greens!!
    They’ll hit that hard if they aren’t already

    I planted mine just a bit before August 1st with my PPTs, Radish, Rape and Australian Peas. And it’s rained ever since. Never seen it grow like this.
    The winter grains already headed out which sucks but dam do I got some huge bulbs on the tubers !!
    And the stuff is 2 foot high or more!

    1. 20190904_172519.jpg

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