Winter critter olympics

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    We’ve had a dusting of light snow so far tonight and we’re in a lull. I went out to shut up the garage and look out over the park and 4 raccoons were out by the creek tumbling around and playing with each other. It looked like 4 legged Sumo wrestling. Man these guys were big….and fat. What with the ice on the old snow they were having quite the time slipping and sliding around while going after each other. Comical to watch and not something seen every day.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Years ago, back when there was almost always a foot or more of snow during deer season in northern MN, I saw this funny track in the snow leading uphill. It looked like somebody had dragged a 2-liter soda bottle straight up the hill to make a mini bobsled run.

    I didn’t have to wait long to find out who did it. From up the hill came the Otter 1 sled around Turn 1 piloted by, ummm, an otter. The snow was crusty ice and there was no way he could stop even when he saw me, so it was just like watching a bobsled sail by as my head swung and then he was over a rise in the hill and gone. Probably a course record.

    I wonder if they really do that for fun or if it’s just a means of getting where they want to go?


    Maplewood & Crane Lake, MN
    Posts: 235

    Years ago I was deer hunting, sitting and overlooking the appropriately named Otter Tail River. This part of the river had a snow covered bank that was about 30 feet high, sloped at about 30 degrees. An otter spent about an hour repeatedly climbing up to the top of the bank then sliding down the slope on his belly, into a 3 foot diameter hole in the river ice. Each time he would climb back out of the hole, trek back to the top and do it again. Unfortunately it was before the time of cell phone cameras because I would have loved to have gotten it on video.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Pretty dark when I saw the coons even with the park lighting. They appeared to be playing or “keep away” if one had something the others wanted. I didn’t see anything but they were sure having a good time.

    I once saw a red fox and a fawn playing tag in a alfalfa field that had just been cut. The doe kept an eye on things but it was sure fun to watch. This went on for all of ten minutes before to fox decided to find his food for the evening.

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