Throughout my countless hours of researching lake maps over the last few years a few things have become clear to me. Number 1, I have not spent as much time as needed ice fishing “deep water” for crappies. Number 2, there are too many lakes that have “deep water” available in northern WI to choose which ones are the best to target crappies under the ice. Number 3, the WI DNR does a really awful job (I know budgets are shrinking, I get it) of publishing creel survey data from numerous lakes, which makes the search for valuable intel on fish size very difficult to acquire unless I am literally going to the lakes to ascertain for yourself. Number 3 aside, numbers 1 and 2 had me thinking. How deep is too deep to find crappies under the mid winter ice? I personally have not ever seen or caught a crappie ice fishing deeper than 33 feet, those fish were suspended 6-7 feet off of the bottom. Having said that, I do spend most of my time on “shallower lakes” that tend to have water that tops out in the high 30’s. I have found the lions share of my success in my limited basin crappie experience (5-7 years) in the 35 to 20 foot range depending upon the lake. I am well aware of the ethical concerns with fishing deep crappies and the barotrauma issues beyond say 25 feet, so I am more interested in the behavior and gaining understanding with the basin pattern rather than exploiting fish relentlessly.
Canvassing the incredible amount of bathymetric maps is daunting and seeing countless lakes with huge swaths of water of 30+ feet of water, it can get a bit exhausting so to speak trying to “break down” and sift through lakes to make the most of my ice fishing opportunities each winter. I appreciate James and the gang doing the spot on the spot I.D. in the tv shows but in actual practice being faced with a multitude of lakes on a map screen appears next to impossible. One tool that hopefully will aid in the process is the new garmin livescope, but even then, fishing large water bodies (1500 + acres) which tend to have larger populations of prodigious sized crappies can take days to break down the available deep water especially if travel on the lake is difficult in winter.
So I’m asking for your guidance and wisdom as many of you have been doing this much longer than I. Any pointers, rules of thumb that have helped you when approaching a new waterbody? How deep have you seen crappies in the fall/winter? 20, 30, 40, 50 feet? With so much water and so little time what is your best advice, or the best advice ever given to you when considering the basin crappie phenomenon?
Edit: Also I’ve long thought that it would be a fun and great learning experience if we could get a group of fishermen together or create a forum on here devoted to showing lake maps and getting feedback on how different people would approach fishing the waterbody for a species during a given time of year.