Winnipeg Dreams

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 57

    Every year seems to get busier and busier painting baits causing me to spend less time ice fishing. One trip that always happens is Lake Winnipeg. Since I have a side business that is almost entirely dependent upon that fishery, I figured I’d share some of the custom baits I’ve done in the past. I know there are other custom painters on here and would love to see what you guys do for custom baits geared towards hardwater.


    1. IMG_82881.jpg

    2. IMG_E85531.jpg

    3. IMG_E85571.jpg

    4. IMG_82911.jpg

    5. IMG_2470.jpg

    6. IMG_2433.jpg

    7. Bschmaltz1.jpg

    8. Tmusland1.jpg

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 57

    And some more.

    1. IMG_85301.jpg

    2. IMG_69811.jpg

    3. IMG_E84701.jpg

    4. IMG_69841.jpg

    5. IMG_64041.jpg

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    Those look awesome! I can’t wait to get up there this winter. I’ve never been. Definitely a bucket list destination.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    Your lures don’t catch fish Dane. Nope. Never. Don’t work. Don’t bring them up to the lake. I’m tired of unhooking big eyes from your lures. Stay away!


    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 57

    Your lures don’t catch fish Dane. Nope. Never. Don’t work. Don’t bring them up to the lake. I’m tired of unhooking big eyes from your lures. Stay away!


    Haha. You keep fishing them, I’ll keep painting them. We’ll be up a couple times this year. No more wrestling officiating for me so now I have time to ice fish.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 57

    Those look awesome! I can’t wait to get up there this winter. I’ve never been. Definitely a bucket list destination.

    It’s actually one of my least expensive “destination” fishing trips I take. All said and done, you can be up and back in under $500.

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