I was on Bago all day yesterday. Did ok, 5 good eater eys (each one on different baits), some very nice perch (slender spoon and minnow head) and got into a school of whities (chrome/blue and original black/gold jig raps). All came in spurts while hole hopping. Went on at Merrit. there is a bad spot on the north side of the ramp – heard a rumor that a truck put its tire through right by the shore there. Didn’t see it, so I don’t know for sure.
I worked from the E/W crack to north past Garlic. I stayed well outside of the crowd and followed more along the 19′ contour line. Nothing fast and furious except the whities when I came across them. Never spent more than 10 minutes at a hole and the best action came well to the NE of the big crowd. Ice was about 22″ or so and very consistent.
March 24, 2013 at 1:56 pm