Hello everyone I am looking to plan a trip for walleye ice fishing this winter and looking for a little help. Since I live in WI i am looking more at Winnebago and I have fished poygan but Winnebago is a little big so I was hesitant. I am just looking for a couple tips to help me out. I planned on going off of merritt and driving a couple miles out and going north and south a little bit till I find find. I only have a 4 wheel drive trailblazer so i have to wait till safe ice. I was also thinking about maybe spending a couple days at mille lacs. I have never fished it before so any tips would be greatful. I was hoping to go out with some friends and family and see what happens and bounce around alot otherwise if people think it would be more beneficial to find a rental or sleeper shack please inform me of a good one to go out of. Any info would be great and feel free to PM me thanks.
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