Winchester 10 gauge 3 1/2″ 4buck

  • Wade Johnson
    Posts: 3

    I have 13 boxes of Winchester Double X Buckshot Loads copperplated 10 gauge 3 1/2″ 4-buck
    5 Shells per box
    $8 a box or $100 for all 13

    Pick up only in Apple Valley
    Wade 763-245-8429

    1. 20210908_132925-scaled.jpg

    2. 20210908_132935-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 4361

    What do you hunt with them?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11077

    Ahhh, seeing 4 buck just warmed the cockles of my heart.
    I still have my bolt action super goose 10 that I would use down in Rochester back on the day.
    With the super goose and 4 buck you could knock a goose out of they sky that looked like mosquito.

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