Winch Post Ladder

  • muskiegreg
    Posts: 26

    I have a 2013 1825MX. Two questions – will the winch post ladder I see on the newer models work with my model year trailer? I do a lot of night fishing. Has anyone installed loading lights that are activated when the trailer is backed into water? Is there a brand that works better / lasts longer than other models?

    Posts: 265

    put it on my 2013 2025 last dec. great add on when I go mine from EZ loader they new exactly which config. to have me buy that would work for my set up

    Posts: 135

    Call your local Skeeter dealer and give them your trailer vin amd they will set you up with the oem ladder and the lights. The wiring in the trailer is maybe even there in the harness.

    Posts: 19463

    to answer the ladder question, no the diamond plate steps winch post ladder will NOT work on a 2013 MX trailer, EZ Loader changed the winch post I believe in 2014 allowing it to fit. The 2012/2013 ladder is much different, SBC can take care of you, I think it’s around $350

    I use this $25 step instead, works great

    1. trailer-step.jpg

    Posts: 265

    to answer the ladder question, no the diamond plate steps winch post ladder will NOT work on a 2013 MX trailer, EZ Loader changed the winch post I believe in 2014 allowing it to fit. The 2012/2013 ladder is much different, SBC can take care of you, I think it’s around $350

    PM me if you are still looking I can send you pics, I have a 2013 MX 2025 and ELoader hooked me up with a ladder for this config. and it works great. I am sure SBC can hook you up or EZL can take care of it. 350 for it is close but the shipping is about the same so SBC or a dealer shipping in trailers from EZL would save you 250 to 300 in shipping. I happen to have a place and visit family close to EZL , Midway, AR so I was able to skip shipping cost. again ladder is great on the MX 2025 not sure about the 1825

    Posts: 26

    I’d love to see some pictures. My wife is short so climbing into the boat is always a bit of a pain. A friend has a 2016 WX2190 and getting into his boat via the ladder is so simple and quick.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    I have the Skeeter steps on my WX2000T. With all the stuff I bought for that boat the BEST, yes BEST thing I bought were those steps.

    Posts: 276

    As Duchy says best money spent.
    The picture isn’t the best.

    1. image-60.jpeg

    Posts: 19463

    That’s not the ladder that fits a 2013 MX1825

    Posts: 265

    what are the u-bolts on the top of your trailer about midway to the wheel wells, did you put those on to attach cover straps to? I have wrap around straps on my cover and they rub the hull especially when I am traveling in dusty/wet snowy conditions. sorry not trying to highjack post. I am looking for the angle brackets that would hook straps to bottom of c-channel and not wrap the straps around boat

    Posts: 19463

    Those are from the factory, I did not install them…

    Posts: 19463

    I finally found a picture of the compatible ladder for the 2012/2013 Skeeter MX 1825 trailers…

    1. Skeeter-MX1825-Ladder.jpg

    Posts: 26

    Any chance you have a picture from the other side of the boat? It is hard to see the step configuration.

    Posts: 19463

    Best I have

    1. IMG_3635.jpg

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