will a SLA battry charger work on lithium batteries?

  • James Davey
    Posts: 7

    I ordered a 12v lithium battery to replace the SLA battery for my Vexilar. Does anyone know if I can use the same 12volt charger for the lithium batteries?

    Brandon C.
    Posts: 6

    I was told, by the Dakota Lithium battery rep at the Fargo ice show, that yes you can use the standard Vexilar charger. The problem would be that the battery would only charge to roughly 90%. Something to do with different voltages I guess.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    I was told, by the Dakota Lithium battery rep at the Fargo ice show, that yes you can use the standard Vexilar charger. The problem would be that the battery would only charge to roughly 90%. Something to do with different voltages I guess.

    Correct. The lithium chargers put out 3 volts, sla chargers are generally 900ma, just under a volt.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Do you mean Amps? Sla chargers are usually closer to 13.5 volts, lithium iron charger is closer to 14.5 volts up around 3 amps. More like a big battery charger.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    Do you mean Amps? Sla chargers are usually closer to 13.5 volts, lithium iron charger is closer to 14.5 volts up around 3 amps. More like a big battery charger.

    Yes. My bad. Responding after a night shift. Thanks for catching it.

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