Will a Helix Gen1 SI ducer bracket work with a newer Helix Mega SI ducer?

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19406

    I have a 10″ Helix SI Gen1 unit installed on my boat and have been thinking about possibly upgrading it to one of the early Mega SI models (not the newer Gen3+ models) Does anybody know if the metal Gen1 transducer mount bracket I already have installed on my fiberglass hull will work with the Mega SI transducer or will the holes lineup if the Mega SI ducer metal bracket is different?

    I just don’t want to drill new/additional holes in my hull….

    Posts: 584

    Unsure about the bracket size and hole pattern, but the Mega SI transduce body is a completely different shape and size from the non mega ones.. so it will probably need a different mounting spot to line up properly with the hull.

    Seal the old holes and then mount a transducer board so you are never drilling into the transom again. Mega SI is a huge upgrade from the grainy gen 1.

    Ron F
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 71

    I mounted a G4 Mega SI transducer reusing the holes from a 998 SI transducer. So I’d suspect reusing the holes in your case would work as well.

    Posts: 19406

    I mounted a G4 Mega SI transducer reusing the holes from a 998 SI transducer. So I’d suspect reusing the holes in your case would work as well.

    good to know! thx!

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