Wild Game Caterers?

  • B-man
    Posts: 6595

    I doubt there is any “wild game” caterers since you can’t sell it??

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    closest thing could think of is getting elk/bison burgers somewhere. Cabelas or various restaurants.

    Posts: 1288

    There was an Exotic game store in Hudson WI it just closed in Jan. You could get Buffalo , Elk, Aligator,Bobcat,Giraffe. Use for the Turkey banquets in the past.

    Not sure if there are any others around the metro now.


    Thanks for the responses guys. I thought that Ducks Unlimited and other conservation groups used to put on banquets that served wild game? What I’m looking for is essentially a caterer to provide a similar service for a benefit that I’m putting together.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I’m not sure if they cater but the only restaurant I now of with a full Wild game is Triggers at prior lake horse and hunt…may be worth a call.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12383

    Jack and Jim’s in Duelm hosts a Game Feed in Central MN, might be worth giving them a ring.

    Posts: 5125

    I know a few of those wild game feeds are done with donations of wild game meat. I doubt you will find much in regards to legal wild game meat available for purchase.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21895

    Eichtens in Shaffer does elk bison and some other stuff.

    Posts: 959

    Only wild game feasts I’ve been to were neighborhood bars that had a “wild game feed” whereby everyone brought a dish to pass. These were from individual’s own hunting harvest. That’s where I go for my favorite snapping turtle soup……since I don’t know where to, or how to get my own turtle meat.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    Check out Traxlers in LeCenter. I’ve been to a continental shoot out there years ago but remember seeing a Wild game feed advertisement

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