How about Roy pulling the goalie at the 10 minute mark?
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Wild 2015-16
March 27, 2016 at 9:42 am #1609573
How about Roy pulling the goalie at the 10 minute mark?
It was poorly played by the d on that one. And it didn’t appear the avs were ready to play with the goalie pulled. He really should’ve called a time out to prep the guys that early.
March 27, 2016 at 12:30 pm #1609597It’s nust so enjoyable. Not just beating the Avs, but laying on an ass whippping and the cherry on top was shutting them out. Bad enough to lose a key playoff race game, but for the Avs to not even score once…
Roy’s pulling the goalie with 10 left was imo a great move and I’ve been wondering for decades why coaches dont do that. What’s to lose when you’re down by 4? To me if you wait until 2 minutes left, it’s pointless.
The Roy bonehead move was pulling the goalie when his team was on the power play. Wow. Nothing could go wrong with that.
March 30, 2016 at 8:24 am #1610297Roy did it again last night with like 6 minutes left in the game. Same result as with the wild
I like how the boys came to play last night against Chicago. Only downfall was the short handed goal on the 5 minute powerplay..actually the PP the whole game, but I won’t start that again. They really came out on fire in the third! Needer had a butt load of chances, it was nice to see on go in for him.
March 30, 2016 at 8:31 am #1610298They’ve definitely taken their game to another level and at the right time of the year to do so… The playoffs are a different animal though, but it’s nice to know we’ve been through this the past couple of years so there shouldn’t be any surprises…
While I’m sad the dream of getting one of those top 3 draft picks is long gone now, seeing the current Wild players finally playing upto their potential has been fun the last few weeks… hopefully they can keep it going…
The only thing that bothered me watching last night’s game was our reluctancy to hit Kane/Panarnan whenever we had the chance, seems we turned away whenever we could have finished a check on them…The small skilled guys don’t like to be hit…you never see other teams turning down a hit on Granlund…
March 30, 2016 at 8:40 am #1610304I screamed several times at the TV “HIT HIM , HIT HIM!!” That really bothers me too a lot!
March 30, 2016 at 9:28 am #1610321I wasn’t watching for it, so I am not sure when these opportunities were, but I will say you have to be very careful with guys like that, because they will burn you….unless they have their head down.
How about that swipe Duncan Keith took at Coyle? That should be a fricken 8-10 game suspension, but it’ll be 5.
I get tired of commentators saying, “I know him, he’s not a cheap player”. Roenick sort of said that last night, but he was very clear that was an unacceptable play. Brian Boucher did a little more sugar coating. Clean players don’t do crap like that. I think what made it worse was his gesturing at the bench like it was unintentional.
The best part though was Coyle got away with a stick to his face and then body slammed him that started it all.
These young kids are now coming along. Nino and Coyle are starting to look like the power forwards I thought they could be.
Dylan Wirkus
Posts: 30March 30, 2016 at 9:50 am #1610334I like the Wild and yes they did sweep the Blackhawks, but hopefully they decide to show up in the playoffs this year if they make it.
March 30, 2016 at 11:58 am #1610389When will we know how many games Kieth gets to sit out for? Do they review that today? I hope they give the cheap @#@!@ 10 games.
March 30, 2016 at 12:03 pm #1610390I wasn’t watching for it, so I am not sure when these opportunities were, but I will say you have to be very careful with guys like that, because they will burn you….unless they have their head down.
100% agree. They frustrated the hell out of those guys and kept them off the scoresheet.
March 30, 2016 at 2:09 pm #1610429A lot of Blackhawk frustration on display last night.
First, the bush league face slash by Keith. No, he will not be getting 10 games. You guys are forgetting that he’s a member of one of the NHL’s Golden Child teams and as such, he can expect the most lenient treatment possible. 2 games is my guess, 3 games max. Obviously, if a Wild player had done that, it would have been 5-7 minimum.
Of course the NBC guys were putting the old * behind this game because the Hawks were missing players. The fact that the players they DID have were totally neutralized by the wild…
The Wild played terrific D last night, giving Kane no room whatsoever. I lost track of the number of times they forced Kane skate east/west looking around for passing lanes that weren’t there and then having to either dump or take a weak wrister on the move. Nice tight D work
Dubnyk continued to bring playoff-grade goaltending. Not much he could do about the Hossa short hander, he has to play the puck. As both the Avs and the Hawks have found out, Dubs makes it really tough on the opponent when he keeps them to 1 goal.
Haula/Nino are on fire. Can there now be any doubt that Yeo was the problem when it came to the low levels of production and the lack of forward progress that younger players were making with their games?
Haula is one of the most dangerous players in the league right now and not just in the O zone. It only helps that with Nino on the ice, the opponent can’t just key on Haula.
Also, Torchetti has clearly laid down the law. Vanek and Zucker found out the hard way that Torchetti isn’t kidding. Play a 2 way game at full throttle or your @ss will be riding the pine. No exceptions based on time in the league.
Both Zucker and Vanek were got caught Yeo-ing it up and assuming their place was assured like it was in the Yeo era. Wrong! Hope they got the message, it’d be pretty freaking embarrassing for them to be bench jockeys during a playoff game, but I think Torch would do it.
This is a much more focused hockey team and the Wild are now doing exactly what’s made them a really dangerous team in the past. Solid D and dangerous scoring potential across lines.
March 30, 2016 at 3:46 pm #1610456First, the bush league face slash by Keith. No, he will not be getting 10 games. You guys are forgetting that he’s a member of one of the NHL’s Golden Child teams and as such, he can expect the most lenient treatment possible. 2 games is my guess, 3 games max. Obviously, if a Wild player had done that, it would have been 5-7 minimum.
According to Russo, he has been invited to a sit down meeting with player safety and Russo says that means that the suspension will be longer than 5 games.
“The book is being thrown at #blackhawks defenseman Duncan Keith. Offered an in-person hearing usually means 6 or more games #mnwild”
March 30, 2016 at 7:12 pm #1610488I’ll believe a 5+ game suspension when it actually happens. Would love to see it, but I can’t believe the NHL would hand out a suspension that would go into the playoffs on a Chicago player.
March 31, 2016 at 6:29 am #1610534Kieth is a repeat offender just youtube the slash to the kings carter. He only received one game for that but after this he will get 5 to 6 games or should get that. He has a few other suspensions.
Sad that this guy has two gold medals and stanley cups. Also a captian ,i’m all for tough players but he just crosses the line too many times for me even to like his game.
Posts: 24668March 31, 2016 at 8:53 am #1610564<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mplspug wrote:</div>
I wasn’t watching for it, so I am not sure when these opportunities were, but I will say you have to be very careful with guys like that, because they will burn you….unless they have their head down.100% agree. They frustrated the hell out of those guys and kept them off the scoresheet.
This is exactly how you want to defend highly skilled guys. Don’t play them too close because then with one move they are around you. Keep them at least an arm’s length away, let them dipsy doodle all they want and just maintain your space. As much as I get frustrated with Suter sometimes he is a very good one to watch defend skilled guys because he does this extremely well.
Though, I would love for someone to blow them up with a good clean hit, the time you take that chance they side step you and are on a breakaway.CaptainMusky
Posts: 24668March 31, 2016 at 8:58 am #1610566I don’t care what * anyone puts behind any game, the Wild have absolutely dominated the Hawks and flat out embarrassed them in pretty much every game this year. The Wild have done what no team has done in 76 years, beat the Hawks 5 times in the regular season.
This will most certainly not mean we are golden against them should we meet in the playoffs, but it has to make them feel a bit better overall with their game and how they match up.
People talk about how they bounced us out of the playoffs 3 years in a row, but I believe all but only 2 games were 1 goal games (I would have to look to confirm, but its close).
Lets keep this push going and pass Nashville!April 1, 2016 at 6:31 am #1610790The boys looked sloppy last night. I couldn’t believe the amount of turnovers in the defensive and neutral zone last night. Almost looked like they were playing with a rubber ball rather than a puck.
Someone please tell me why with under 2 minutes left in the game, we are behind by one and short handed, have a face off in the offensive zone and we don’t pull the goalie. Heck I was calling to pull him with 4 minutes left. Torch needs to take a page out of Roy’s book.
April 1, 2016 at 12:27 pm #1610879I think it is funny how the commentators and Russo wonder if it was because of an emotional let down after the win over the Hawks.
I sure as heck hope not. The Wild are not in the playoffs. The playoffs have already begun for the Wild. Guess what, every damn playoff game is a grind and spends you physically and emotionally. If you cannot regroup with a days rest you are in trouble.
Personally I don’t think they took Ottawa seriously and figured it would be easy since they played the night before and were eliminated. The Wild did show some stuff in spurts, but not nearly enough. That being said it was tough losing that way. All I could think of was dang, we might be just 2-3 points back of Nashville!
I don’t think losing Spurgeon helped them mentally either. I think his value in all areas (offense, defense, chemistry, etc) is greatly underrated.
April 1, 2016 at 3:01 pm #1610915I was at the game last night and it was painful to watch. After the first minute of play, I turned to the guy next to me and said, “You know it’s going to be a long night when you spend the first minute of the game in your own end. It’s even worse when you have possession of the puck for that minute.”
They were just awful last night. It was painful to watch. Missed pass after missed pass after missed pass. Passes too far, passes in the skates, passes behind. So then to give up a clown college goal like they did to let Ottawa win it, well, it just seemed like that was inevitable.
Pug is right. It looked like an emotional letdown, but you have to have better control and be able to get your head back into the game.
Bright spots:
– Parise is back. A one handed goal is highlight film stuff for most players, for Parise it’s just how he rolls.
– Haula. Pretty much says it all.
Notably absent last night was Vanek and as mentioned Surgeon went off in the first and was gone. The shot that hit him sounded like an obvious hit to the skate boot, either the top of the foot or ankle. Thunk! It smarts just thinking about it.
A poor showing by the Wild against a team where they should have won the last two meetings.
April 1, 2016 at 3:34 pm #1610927– Haula. Pretty much says it all.
Ahem, you are leaving our favorite whipping boy Pominville. That play he made was pretty special going through 2 guys and finding Huala with a backhander.
How nice would it be if last years playoffs up to the a few weeks back was an aberration and he finds his form again for the remainder of his contract?
Posts: 154April 3, 2016 at 9:37 pm #1611350Brutal!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t see how this team can go anywhere in the playoffs.
April 3, 2016 at 9:40 pm #1611351Well there is only one way to find out…
…if the Avs lose one more game.
April 4, 2016 at 9:02 am #1611413Someone needs to go and replace the rubber sticks with the real ones again. That was a funny april fools joke, but they need the real sticks back.
I have not seen such poor puck handling and stick handling a in a long time. How many times can Koivu fan on the puck with a wide open net? It’s bordering on embarrassing.:???:
April 4, 2016 at 9:11 am #1611417Now I’m starting to wonder is Torch a shoe-in for losing the interim tag. This team is incredibly streaky and Torch has not done anything to change that. These last 4 seasons have been very weird and I stand by that the mental make up and chemistry of this team seems messed up. So does Fletch (If he doesn’t get canned) say Torch is the guy or does he look for some veteran coach out there with a resume for straightening players out.
And the streakyness isn’t just wins/losses or just a couple players. The whole team seems to ebb and flow together. And the power play that was looking to be in top form has taken a dookey these last 4-5 games.
April 4, 2016 at 9:49 am #1611440it’s just a gong show right now… the only thing that has been positive is that Granlund has looked REALLY GOOD playing wing lately…
Posts: 154April 5, 2016 at 9:43 pm #1611810Now that’s impressive! So after a performance like this does the Wild captain go into the locker room and sit at his stall not saying a thing or is he busting sticks against the wall? When they show him on the bench he is never talking to the team instead he is asking for a towel or waiting for a dry pair of gloves to comes his way. Remove the “C” from this joker!!!
Pomenville = WTF!
Granland = PooSay
Suter = overrated and overpaid!April 6, 2016 at 6:41 am #1611827Trade the whole team for a sack of used pucks and start over
…except Haula of course
Not sure what to think. I do think Dub let in some pretty easy goals last night. Not putting the whole game on him by any means, we have to score to win. I have never seen a team win with zero goals, but I guess they are in the playoffs, thanks Nashville.
InactivePosts: 0April 6, 2016 at 6:56 am #1611828With this team, I wouldn’t be surprised if they won the cup, or if they fail to win a single game. Very confusing season…. Yeo must go!!, oh wait, he did….win for the torch…they did…back to consistently inconsistent, win 6 lose 4, back into the playoffs…….what next?????
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