Wild 2015-16

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    Couple bs calls and lucky bounces. I think the Wild come out angry and win 5-3 in the third

    Posts: 16108

    Are you f’ing kidding me Vanek!?! How have the Wild not learned from their other 5+ OT losses due to crappy line changes?

    WTF is Vanek even doing on the ice 3 on 3? That’s just terrible coaching…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    I was just going to say Vanek should not be out there 3 on 3. You need speed guys who are young and can recover. Hell I’ll take Fontaine or Haula over Vanek.

    Pile on me, but I think they are turning a corner.

    Posts: 20323

    Overall, that was their best game in a long stretch. I knew when it made it to OT that it would end in a loss, but I think their last 2 games have shown some promise of finding their game.
    Nice to see Haula and Fontaine score.
    Vanek needed to get off the ice and didn’t. Consequently he whiffed on a check and a goal is scored. Frustrating, but he had a pretty good game otherwise.
    I wish Reilly would have seen more ice time. He was making some plays and he could be the fastest skater on our team.

    Posts: 20323

    I was looking closer at the Wild’s prospect pool and my god do we have some big boys coming up through the system… of those who will actually play in the NHL someday, Tuch is 6’4″, Greenway is 6’5″, Erickson Ek is 6′ 2″ and still growing… that’s alot of size at the forward position…

    Yes, there is some beef coming. I think Lucia is 6’2″ as well. Seeler, though a defenseman is listed at 6’2″, but during one of the gopher games I swear they said he was 6’5″. Either way he is an animal with how he is physical. It looks as though the Wild decided the diminutive lineup exposes them, too bad they are not closer to helping NOW!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11200

    Pile on me, but I think they are turning a corner.

    Well, let’s not go crazy here. We’re working with a sample size of one, but yes that was certainly their best full-game performance in the last 12. Essentially, they got beat by a fluke deflection on a shot that was 3 feet wide. Not much you can do about that, that’s luck and it’s also why you shoot the puck instead of waiting for the perfect shot.

    Tough to have another loss, but a good effort against a good team.

    3 on 3 amplifies all mistakes. I’ll have to watch the recording again, it’s all well and good to complain about Vanek being gassed but did he have the opportunity to get off the ice? Somebody’s got to hold the puck while the other 2 change, there aren’t the options that there are in 5-5 so I’ll have to look again to see what the mistake really was on that play.

    I agree, with the way they played last night, why did Yeo not have Haula and Fontaine on the ice in OT? Speed kills, but so does bad coaching.


    Posts: 20323

    3 on 3 amplifies all mistakes. I’ll have to watch the recording again, it’s all well and good to complain about Vanek being gassed but did he have the opportunity to get off the ice? Somebody’s got to hold the puck while the other 2 change, there aren’t the options that there are in 5-5 so I’ll have to look again to see what the mistake really was on that play.


    My contention is that a guy who is gassed is of no use in the defensive end so take your chances with the line change and be “shorthanded” hoping your other 2 can hold up while a fresh guy gets on the ice. Vanek had a chance to get off. Not a situation where you would normally want to a guy to change in a 5 on 5 situation because the puck was in the possession of the Stars and they were heading up ice. I say, get off the ice Vanek and get a fresh guy out there.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    I can’t find a replay that shows what happened, but as I remember it, I knew Vanek was on an extended shift, first mistake. Then at center ice he has a chance to just get the puck deep and get off. Instead, as he says, he tried getting the puck to Reilly and didn’t know he was headed off.

    It kind of tarnishes the good he did on the line with Fontaine and Haula.

    I’m starting to wonder if Zucker gets traded. I can see Fletch pulling something like that. I believe that would be a huge mistake and I hope I am just paranoid.

    Posts: 16108

    It seems the Wild’s website isn’t providing any video replays from the game?

    So this is from Dallas’s website, great shot of Vanek throwing his arms up as he goes off the ice as Dallas skates around him into the zone on a wide open 3-2… Parise wouldn’t even get into THE ZONE until AFTER the goal was scored…

    Seguin was wide open for a back door 1 timer if Klingberg chose to pass instead of shoot..

    1. vanek.jpg

    Posts: 8997

    Here is a picture of former MN Wild Zenon Konopka’s pet bunny.

    1. Zenons-Bunny-2.jpg

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025


    What he tweeted accompanying the picture.

    I’m not saying Mike Yeo is a bad coach but change is due in Minny #YeomustGo https://t.co/1GsdYh9lvt

    To soften his first tweet….

    The Minnesota Wild have so much talent. All the pieces to be Stanley Cup champs- wasting years isn’t fair to the players or fans #YeohastoGo

    And the context is that Zman was placed on waivors at one point.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11200

    I have to ask the question. Realistically now.

    What % chance do you see that Wild will actually fire Yeo during the season?

    I’m getting depressed. Last year, I was a voice in the wilderness yelling that Yeo must go. No change. This year, the shouts to dispatch Yeo are coming from all directions. Yet I’m still feeling like the chances for change are very, very low.

    Basically, IMO, the season is hosed. Looking at the schedule, the level of the competition in the West, etc, I cannot see how the Wild can climb back into even wildcard contention given the elevated play of Chicago, Dallas, St. Louis, and even the dreaded Avs. I just don’t see it happening because these teams have all seemed to improve where I cannot argue that even outside of the current slump, the Wild have actually done anything but regress compared to last season.

    So does that increase or decrease the chances of Yeo being fired DURING the season? Do the Wild mgmt and owners think, “Oh well, season’s shot, might as well ride Yeo to the bitter end before whacking him.”

    Or do they make a statement to the players and at the same time hang out the “help wanted” sign early by firing Yeo now?

    IMO, only a 30% chance they actually fire Yeo. It is completely depressing to me that we’ve essentially p!ssed away a full season with a coach who’s not capable of taking the team where it needs to go.


    Posts: 16108

    5% only because as I’ve been saying for awhile now; “Who would they replace him with?”

    The best they can hope for is the team continues to tank and they get into the top 3 of the draft and get one of the studs…

    They’ll ride it out and reload the coaching staff in the offseason…

    The strange thing about this season is that the Wild are only 4-6 points back of a Wild Card spot, but also only 8 points out of the worst record in the league… and they have 1-2 games in hand…

    and 1 and done playoff season would probably be worse than not making the playoffs at all…

    Posts: 16108

    wow…when you look at what’s possible if you can get into the top 3 of this years draft, it might make sitting through this crappy season worth it…

    Patrick Liane – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwf64yOB1wo

    Jessi Puljujarvi – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0vBmvS3o34

    Austin Mathews – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzFWmP7OLps

    with as good as Mathews is…I would take Liane first….

    Getting one of these three players would be awesome, but we’d also miss out on the high 2nd and 3rd round picks due to bad rental player trades…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11200

    The strange thing about this season is that the Wild are only 4-6 points back of a Wild Card spot, but also only 8 points out of the worst record in the league… and they have 1-2 games in hand…

    and 1 and done playoff season would probably be worse than not making the playoffs at all…

    What you’re seeing in the standings and the playoff picture is the sign of just how strong the league is right now.

    I agree, with the overall strength in the West and in the league, this is the worst possible year to kill your team to get into the playoffs and then get hammered in round 1 and in the process p1ss away multiple draft positions.

    Let’s be serious here. Not to further feed our raging Blackhawks Complex, but they are currently 20 points ahead of the Wild in the standings and have 36 wins. And that’s only good enough for second place in the league because the Wild’s next opponent, the Caps have 38 wins! Ouch.

    Sorry, but I cannot see ANY team having an easy playoff ride this year with the way Chicago, the Caps, Dallas, Florida, etc are playing. I can’t even see us having a chance of beating the next tier of teams, much less the top guns.

    The last 2 nights have produce 2 losses for Chicago, but only because the refs literally stole both games from them with poor calls on challenges. That seems to be the best way to beat Chicago right now, have the refs steal the game for you. At least Quenneville was man enough to stand up for his team rather than standing there with a stupid look on his face and take it up the tailpipe.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    The strange thing about this season is that the Wild are only 4-6 points back of a Wild Card spot, but also only 8 points out of the worst record in the league… and they have 1-2 games in hand…

    They are 2 pts behind the Avs and Smashville with games in hand.

    According to Russo today, apparently Yeo’s job is not so secure and he’s having a lot of meetings lately with Fletcher.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    We are currently two points out of the playoffs (with 1-2 games in hand…). Ah no the season isn’t ‘hosed’ or any other term. For those of you that have followed them over the last few years this happens every year. Yes Yeo is on the ropes again and I really feel this year has a different tone to it. He is done soon and for sure at the end of the season unless Wild catch fire and make a serious run in the playoffs. But rest assured the season is not over people…RR

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11200

    They are 2 pts behind the Avs and Smashville with games in hand.

    Unfortunately, that fact has to be balanced with the fact that Ovechkin & Company are flying into town tomorrow. And with them will be their average goals per game that needs to be carried as checked baggage because it’s so freaking oversized.

    This isn’t going to be pretty.

    I’ll be at this game if anyone wants to join me. I’ll be sobbing into a bucket-sized Big Ginger. It’s the only way I can deal with the pain…


    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    “They’re only two points back” they should be three points ahead.
    Typical minnesota fan logic. Always playing catch up.

    Chicago has a great coach and Minnesota doesn’t.

    The talk on this thread doesn’t change because the team doesn’t.

    Turning the corner? The Wild are poorly coached. This team can’t win a game and people are still talking about their chances.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Belletaine personally am putting my faith (albeit fleeting) into the fact that these guys do this to us every year. Same team/coach so I am hoping for the same last minute luck to get into the playoffs. I am sure they won’t disappoint…RR

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3540

    I think we’ve all seen that there is rarely a sure thing in sports. There’s been a lot of talk on this thread about how done the Wild are and/or how one-and-done they’d be in a tough conference. Then roosterrouster posts a little more positive thought. I can appreciate either argument and neither result would surprise me.

    Didn’t we see a threat on this same General Discussion Board titled “Can Anyone Beat the Pack?” At the time it was a legit post, yet by the end of the season no one thought they’d go anywhere.

    On the flip side, a lot of people were writing the Broncos off and they weren’t favored in their last two playoff games, yet they won the SB.

    I agree that this yearly habit of absolutely tanking and slumping and then (possibly) rebounding has got to stop. But I could see things going either way. Whatever happens, some of the last few posters on this threat can point to others and say “see I told you so.” We just don’t know who will do the pointing yet.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    First off, sorry for being so negative.

    It just would be nice to not be playing catch up and be happy to make the playoffs.

    I came off a little aggressive and will still be rooting for them but I’m growing tired of the same pattern.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    . I’ll be sobbing into a bucket-sized Big Ginger.

    is that 2 gingers whiskey and ginger ale? I’m not a whiskey fan, but damn I love that drink. I’ve actually found 2 gingers down here, even though I know any whiskey will do.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I generally don’t try to predict sports or follow who may be right or wrong. I stick to the basics of deciding if I’ll cheer or spend money. I am, however, hoping I can stave off the DTs due to win withdrawal. Based on the current trend I may have to settle with a Big Ginger.

    Posts: 20323

    My prediction… Wild win tonight 5-3. Ovie will score on the PP like he always does. Kuemper gets the nod again tonight and has a stellar game.
    Parise, Koivu score and believe it or not Pominville has TWO GOALS.
    OK, maybe I started drinking early today, but that is my bold prediction for tonight’s game and I have 0% confidence it is going to happen…
    Oh, and Famous Grouse is on the Kiss Cam!!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16373

    When will fans start to stay away?
    When will the fans start to boo?
    Are there any Hockey fans at the X or are they the trendy team in town?

    When is “we are trying hard” not enough when they charge what they charge to watch this team?

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    My prediction… Wild win tonight 5-3. Ovie will score on the PP like he always does. Kuemper gets the nod again tonight and has a stellar game.
    Parise, Koivu score and believe it or not Pominville has TWO GOALS.
    OK, maybe I started drinking early today, but that is my bold prediction for tonight’s game and I have 0% confidence it is going to happen…
    Oh, and Famous Grouse is on the Kiss Cam!!!

    Now that is just funny funny stuff, from Pominville getting 2 GOALS right to the last sentence. I truly hope you are right, but I have serious doubts about the Wild even being in the game after the first period. I will be watching for sure, but I don’t have high hopes of being able to stomach the entire game.

    I am well aware of the past history of the team slumping this time of year, BUT I don’t remember the team playing this badly in the past couple years. I have serious doubts this team can get back in the wild card run this year, serious doubts!!! evil

    Like Grouse, I have been calling for Yeo’s head for years, I think even before last year. I have never like his style nor do I like the style of play he promotes. You have to be physical and check in the NHL and I haven’t seen nearly enough of that since Yeo got here.

    Posts: 20323

    True, the Wild have had similar second half surges that followed mid-season swoons, but this one is MUCH different IMO.
    Previously they were plagued with injuries whether it be to Backstrom/Harding/Kuemper, guys like Coyle out for an extended period of time to each member of the D corps blocking a puck with their skates and missing games leading to Fletch bringing in the company to have ALL of their feet molded for skate shields to the mumps.
    This year is WAY different. We have 2 guys on the injury report right now and a week ago we didn’t have any. We have gone through this slump HEALTHY!
    That is what is scary to me. Before, you get some guys back in the lineup healthy, add Dubnyk to stabilize the goal tending a bit and its the perfect recipe.
    This year its all about guys not playing well. That, to me is much harder to correct. The good thing is the law of averages are on our side. You really cannot be that bad for so long without the pendulum swinging the other way. Or can you???

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11200

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TheFamousGrouse wrote:</div>
    . I’ll be sobbing into a bucket-sized Big Ginger.

    @thefamousgrouse is that 2 gingers whiskey and ginger ale? I’m not a whiskey fan, but damn I love that drink. I’ve actually found 2 gingers down here, even though I know any whiskey will do.

    as you might expect given my name, I have a somewhat tenuous relationship with Irish whisky. Normally, I’m a Bourbon and ginger man, myself. Or, if it’s available, a Moscow Mule if it’s made properly made and with proper ginger beer.

    However, at the X, and given the way that the Wild have been playing…well…it’s any port in a storm, I’m afraid.

    As Irish whisky goes, IMO Two Gingers is pretty fair-to-middlin stuff. I wouldn’t walk across the road to get it if Bushmills were available on my side, that’s for certain.

    My prediction… Wild win tonight 5-3. Oh, and Famous Grouse is on the Kiss Cam!!!

    Ummm, that could be somewhat awkward given I’m taking the forum member KWP to the game tonight. @KWP, I guess, in the spirit of the thing we’ll have to just go with it.

    I mean, in the interests of full disclosure, I did feel the need to hug him last summer after an epic day of walleye slaughter where the count ran into the hundreds of fish landed on a lake called No Name Lake.

    Me: “Gawd KWP, that was the best day of fishing EVER! Sob. Sniff. I get so emotional at times like this.”

    KWP: “Yeah. Great. Say, those of us with a lot of German ancestry aren’t really that into hugging. And you’re kind of squeezing too hard. So could you maybe stop and we could shake hands or whatever…”


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    @mplspug as you might expect given my name, I have a somewhat tenuous relationship with Irish whisky. Normally, I’m a Bourbon and ginger man, myself. Or, if it’s available, a Moscow Mule if it’s made properly made and with proper ginger beer.

    What? I thought you liked hunting grouse, thus the name… coffee

    In all honesty, especially given your posts, I thought @TheFamousGrouse was poetic license using the verb grousing as a noun. wave

    I know 2 gingers isn’t top shelf, but I felt obligated to use it when making big gingers since I was introduced to it at a Twins game.

    As a youngster I had a couple bad experiences. One with Brandy and one with JD. As that sage we talked about before sings, “Jack Daniels kicked my arse last night”.

    As crazy as the Pominville prediction seems, I would not be surprised to see him pot 2. He’s been getting some grade A chances, just seems to be squeezing the stick and either hitting iron or the goalie right in the numbers. That line has been peppering a lot of shots the last 2 games and Granny and Parise have had some good battling shifts.

    I think I said it before, but the one player who if he caught a little fire would really turn things around for this team is him.

    Boy, if I could wish for one miracle, it would be that Pominville gets strong on the puck and finds his game. That would have a huge ripple effect. That makes the whole line better. He doesn’t even have to get strong on the puck, let Parise and Granlund do the dirty work. Just start finding soft areas, crashing the net for rebounds and finishing. All of a sudden our opponents matchups become harder. I know, its not going to happen, but that’s why I said I was wishing for a miracle. But I also have a hard time believing his game has fallen off this much.

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