Wild 2015-16

  • biggill
    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I do be live that Parise is still playing with a knee brace. He had been complaining about it since he came back. I’m afraid that it probably means surgery come April. Or maybe sooner.

    I really thought doobs looked bad last night. So did the defense. The chances that were given up were pretty glaring. As usual the PP looked powerless.

    I’ve always followed the Yeo must go bandwagon, now I’m on it. I’m just not sure that it does any good to send him packing right now.

    I think Fletcher needs to get in that locker room more often and tell the whole organization how they are underachieving. They just need a different voice right now.

    Posts: 21619

    Its time…

    1. untitled.png

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    My family and I chat during Wild games. Everythime the opponent takes a penalty I say “decline it” or “run 2 minutes off the clock and be done with it”

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11439

    What is the problem that the Wild cannot just fire Yeo?

    As you guys may recall, I was calling for Yeo to be fired LAST season at this time. Well here we are…

    FFS Koivu and Dumba DROPPED the gloves. In freaking practice. Yes to fight each other. How much worse does it have to get?

    Yeo must go. Now.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    They never fought. Just a little clutching.

    Posts: 0

    I don’t think Yeo is the only problem, there MUST be something going on in the locker room. Until they straighten it out, I’m done watching. Not out of anger or frustration, I just like to be entertained by good hockey, and they are not entertaining me with the type of product they put on the ice.

    I’m one of the odd ducks that would rather see a good entertaining game they lose than a boring win. I know it doesn’t make sense, but that goes with all professional sports for me.

    Posts: 21619

    I kinda like feistiness in practice. As long as someone doesn’t get hurt, it actually shows there is some passion in there.
    Its not all duckies and bunnies in the locker room. These guys get sick and tired of each other by the end of the season and that is even when they win. Heck, the Blackhawks have had more than their fair share of locker room issues with Crawford, Sharp, etc over the years, but look what they have done. No one questions Quenville either.
    I am certainly not saying Yeo is anywhere near the coach that Quenville is, but when the guys perform on the ice you don’t even talk about the stuff that happens off of it.
    We used to fight before practice nearly every day. Helmets and Gloves in the locker room. It was actually a bonding experience for all of us until the head coach crashed our party and we all had to wear weight vests on “skate day”.

    Posts: 17019

    Like I said earlier, if they fire Yeo now, who do they replace him with? I can only remember this successfully working 1 time with the Devils and Larry Robinson many years ago…

    Parise’s comments in Russo’s column today says it all, the vets are tired of Yeo, they want a change…if things don’t change in the next 6-8 games, I say shut down Parise for the rest of the season (say his knee is causing pain) Play all of the young players and find out who wants to step up and who doesn’t/can’t, Sell what you can at the trade deadline, and try to get into the top 3 picks of the draft and take Austin or either of the 2 Fins. Hire a veteran coach in the off season that knows how to deal with experienced players and make a strong push the next 2 seasons…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Yeo isn’t the only problem. Vanek, Granlund, Zucker, etc., but a new coach is about all they can do right now.

    They aren’t going to be able to trade into a top 3 pick.

    Posts: 17019

    you would be trading into a “potential” draft slot…unload a vet or young defenseman to a team near the bottom and hope they tank the rest of the season or get Oiler luck in the lottery…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    No bottom of the barrel team is going to unload a “potential” draft pick for a player.

    I am trying to think of another struggling bubble team that might be interested in a multiplayer deal. Say 3 for 3? Philadelphia, Montreal, Ottawa or Carolina?

    Posts: 17019

    No bottom of the barrel team is going to unload a “potential” draft pick for a player.

    They would for a player like Brodin or Dumba…

    I think a team like the Oilers would jump all over a deal like that, they are overloaded with young scorers, they need young defense…Do I think this will happen? no…but we’re running out of options to make this team better…

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I agree (now…) that ‘Yeo must go’ but it should happen after game 82 when we don’t make the playoffs OR after we lose to Chicago for the 4th straight season in the playoffs. During the season is always a disaster and makes no sense. Even if we go on a tear (like we typically do late season…) his days are numbered…RR

    Posts: 17019

    Tonight’s game is going to be a huge sign if this team is interested in salvaging the season or not…no excuses of all-star break rust and just coming off a bad loss, etc.

    If they lose bad tonight with no effort or focus, it’s over…

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321


    – Wild win tonight. Preserve Yeo’s job for a couple more weeks.
    – Wild continue skid but maintain striking distance to a playoff spot over the next 2 weeks.
    – Yeo is gone in less than 3 weeks.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Please tell me none of you thought a 2-0 lead including a power play goal was going to hold up.

    That Parise, granlund and pominville line needs to be broken up. Granlund and poms can’t win a puck battle or keep the puck. Problem is, who plays with Parise? You’ll have to break up Koivu, nino and Coyle.

    Posts: 17019

    Pathetic…cya Yeo!

    1 forward shot until the last few minutes of the game…unreal…

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    I take it they got beat again?
    Who did they play?

    Posts: 17019

    Rangers…4-2, Rangers scored 4 unanswered goals

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Pretty much followed the script of the previous game. Good start, get the lead and play scared the rest of the 40 minutes.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Vanek and Zucker scratched. Interesting move, I guess it’s never too late to send a message. Just wish it was much, much sooner.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    The paper said it would be Pomerville & Vanek.

    4 shots on goal for the 1st period. Putrid. These guys are almost as hard to watch as the Gophers.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11439

    That was a painful game to watch. Terribly inconsistent play, dazed, confused, you name it.

    I have no idea what Yeo is trying to accomplish with jerking around with lines and scratching players now. It’s just throwing another inconsistency and confusion point into an already dazed and inconsistent team. The too many men penalty was obviously 100% on Yeo. Everybody on the bench was looking at each other to figure out who should go. You go, no you go, no it’s you playing with him, but not him…

    What a cluster. Nothing Yeo can do is going to fix this team. We should NOT be talking about changing a head coach now, that should have been done last year at the Olympic break. At this point we are in the miserable situation of not being able to do any WORSE by changing coaches.

    We need a real ex player to light a fire under this team’s asses in the locker room. Obviously this is only headed in one direction. Rumor has it that Walz has said he won’t leave his high school team until they are done for the season, so this means 3 more weeks of Yeo. Ug.


    Posts: 17019

    I’m for riding this season out as-is (the Wild are only 8 points ahead of the last place team in the entire league, if they keep losing we get a top 3 pick, Mathews or Paarvi would look great in a Wild uniform, this would increase the sting of losing our 2nd & 3rd round picks this season though)

    I don’t see how making any big changes now would improve anything seeing as how strong the West is again this year (and will continue to be) Parise is obviously playing hurt, shut him down for the rest of the season to avoid further injury…

    Clean house in the off season and regroup the next 2 season as our terrible contracts come off the board….

    Posts: 21619

    We have 1 compliance buyout remaining. Use that on Pominville in the offseason. The nice thing is his salary will not count against the cap so it will free up money to be spent elsewhere.
    I don’t want to see the team make any rental changes either. For all the reasons you mentioned. They have won with this team early this year. Blowing it apart or jeopardizing the future for no real reason just doesn’t make sense.
    As much as it would be painful, if they truly tank the rest of the year, they would be positioned pretty decent if they can get rid of Pominville and get a top pick.

    Posts: 17019

    The 2 buyout options were only for the 2 seasons after the lockout (1 each year)…so that option is now gone (we wanted to use ours on Heatley and then Backstrom, but they conveniently got “hurt” thus nulling the buyout option) We only used 1 of our 2, that was on Tom Gilbert…. just sad…

    The Pomminville buyout would be 1.5 million off the cap for the next 6 YEARS! (1/3 the yearly salary over double the years remaining) As others have said, it’s probably best to keep playing him (but on a 3rd or 4th line role and no Powerplay) the next few years and take your medicine now, otherwise any player you replace him with will basically costs 1.5 million more than what they are signed for…Pray to god some team needs to get to the cap floor or an expansion draft team wants a veteran…

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Rumor has it that Walz has said he won’t leave his high school team until they are done for the season, so this means 3 more weeks of Yeo. Ug.


    You’re kidding right?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TheFamousGrouse wrote:</div>
    Rumor has it that Walz has said he won’t leave his high school team until they are done for the season, so this means 3 more weeks of Yeo. Ug.


    You’re kidding right?

    I was more confused by wanting a former player coach…like Yeo

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Correct…Yeo was a terrible choice to give the job to. A head coaching position in the NHL is one of the top 30 positions in the world (in the game of hockey…). I never felt Yeo had the resume for the job. Kinda like a guy that is currently coaching HS hockey doesn’t have the resume…RR

    Posts: 21619

    The 2 buyout options were only for the 2 seasons after the lockout (1 each year)…so that option is now gone (we wanted to use ours on Heatley and then Backstrom, but they conveniently got “hurt” thus nulling the buyout option) We only used 1 of our 2, that was on Tom Gilbert…. just sad…

    Drats! I didn’t know there was a time limit on their usage. At that rate, then yeah, we have to ride him. Grrr. No way would I buy him out otherwise.

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