Wicked Pissah! – Paul "The Fraud" Herbert

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Anyone like me that when Wicked Tuna first came out you felt bad for the goofy Paul fishing with that “prick” Dave? My how times have changed.

    It’s old news, but news to me that he was indicted for disability fraud last summer. He “allegedly accepted more than $44,000 in Social Security and Medicaid benefits from 2010-2014.

    Now even before this I have been meaning to post about this guy. He really annoys me. He’s a horrible boat owner who thinks that makes him Poseidon. He doesn’t listen at all to his crew and he can’t keep a crew. And the one thing that really bugs me about him is he acts like its no big deal if he loses a fish. Follow me here, but it is almost as if he feels more comfortable with failing than being successful. And this is the same guy who always boasts about catching more fish and bigger fish than anyone else.

    Now Dave on the other hand, I’ve come to respect his drive. I see him less arrogant as I used to and more a competitive person with drive.

    What’s that? What about Tyler? Let’s just say I’d like to punch him in the face. I feel bad for his crew, because I like those guys. The two most recent deckhands.

    Captain David Marciano is my favorite. Him and Jason are awesome. Team Hard Merch!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Rant Thursday eh Pug?

    Posts: 9309

    “It’s the Captain’s job to put the meat of the deck”

    You could make a drinking game out of how many times he says that. My buddy and I watch it so much we are usually within a dollar of what they are given for their tuna. I would like to know why Tyler took of running in his boat when the Coast Guard was pulling up. He obviously had to get rid of something. Probably weed but it was funny.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    No BK, its been weighing heavy on me for some time… grin

    Good call DT.

    Marciano kind of says this too but, “If I don’t catch a fish, I can’t put food on the table for my daughter”.

    I like the Outer Banks show too. That bridge pass scares me from the seat of my couch.

    Also, I could do without the Harpoon boats.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Paul is unstable. I cant even watch him anymore. I still think Dave is a **** but at least he isnt crazy.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Yeah Paul is irritating me this year. I used to feel sorry for him having to hide under Dave’s wing, but now that he had his own boat for 2-3 season he has proven he can’t cut it. He still acts like he’s the great gift to fishing.

    Dave I have always liked, well mostly Sandro, but they are die hard tuna guys for sure.

    Tyler, well yeah if you get to punch him in the face then I get a throat punch. Nothing but a silver spoon brat. Blanket party for Tyler anyone?

    Seriously though, if I hear one more time “I have to feed my family” someone is getting a throat punch.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    It’s scripted TV, much like wrestling. Fish isn’t the only thing they are fishing for.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    I love wicked tuna, but I also know that shows like that are very very scripted. So I am sure the captains could be completely different than how the show portrays them.

    However, I will still give a few thoughts.

    In general, I think Paul is an idiot, as a matter a fact, he is a giant idiot, an asshole, not all that smart, and has the world’s most annoying laugh. However, when the laugh is mocked by a buddy it cracks me up every time.

    Dave and Sanjo (not sure on spelling) are the best fisherman, and seem to run the most stable biz of the fleet.

    Marciano closely rivals Dave and the DOT com, and he seems like the most down to earth guy. His idiot nephew seems to be getting more and more useful every season. I also love to see the hard merch bringing on the son now.

    Tyler, unfortunately I like. It seems like he is just a hard core grinder that loves to fish. Its everything I wish I could do or be without any obligations to a normal life. I think that is why it is hard for his deck hands, he fishes them too hard. But I can’t knock him for fishing hard. The only thing I don’t like is how he got his start, stealing all the coords. from hot tuna and then going out on his own. He is an a childish idiot too, but acting mature isn’t all its cracked up to be ) keeps you young in the mind )

    Hot Tuna, I am neutral on my feelings. Just a bunch of Fat dudes with dogs that have a super nice boat and seem to fish decent.

    Lastly, I love when a fish starts taking to bait and the clicking goes off. I am well aware that this might even be added in by production but I don’t care. It gets me excited.

    That’s my 2 cents

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Paul was obviously kept in the show to add some crazy wildcard factor that the producers thought was missing. Weather or not is WAS missing or needed… I strongly suspect that it’s the show that’s financing his boat to keep him in the game to provide the wacky factor.

    I like the show, but it’s no Deadliest Catch. It seems like the producers of this kind of show are slow to catch on to the fact that it’s the audience caring about the people that makes them want to watch. Otherwise we’re just watching people sit around waiting.

    I like the Hard Merchandise, that outfit seems to be the most real. As far as Dave and the Tuna.com, I always thought they were trying too hard to “bad guy up” him. He knows what he’s doing out there and he knows how to run a boat. I don’t see that as a bad thing.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I know some of it is scripted, but not all of it.

    I believe the leader board is real, unless they are purposely not showing someone’s catches. For example, I could see Dot Com running away with it, but they edit out some catches to make it close until the end.

    I think most of the scripted things are pretty easy to spot. For example, Dave not telling TJ he was catching fish on the numbers he gave him. The whole story line was forced. You could tell. Right up until the apology.

    Tyler cutting Dave’s line last week. That had to be scripted. I can’t believe even Tyler would do that and Dave wouldn’t have been more pissed. IT was a nice touch using a random Coast Guard inspection though.

    Those clickers! Funny how they make the same exact sound every time, even with different reels!

    Its like that Swamp people show. They dub in all the voice overs as they hold the gator and let him spin a few times before shooting it. I’m sure it doesn’t take very long to get a good shot off on them.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    I always wonder how these bluefin tuna guys make money. And I am talking about before they were getting paid from NatGeo.
    I assume the bluefin season is about 2-3 months?
    And a boat at best makes around 100k-120k?

    I am no business genius but here is how I see it.
    Ok, lets assume they clear 100k in tune, here is how I break it down.
    Gas for about 25-30 outings ($500-1500) ~ $30,000
    Pay your deck hands 20-25% (all summed up) of years profit ~ $25,000
    Your monthly boat payment ($250k-300k boat @ 5% for 3 mons) ~ $7000
    Tackle and equipment upkeep ~ $5000
    Licenses and other odd charges ~ $3000
    Taxed 33% on taxed (non expensed income – $30,000) ~ $10000

    So the very top of the fleet captain is clearing 20k after taxes.

    He then pays his own mortgage still, his kids education, his monthly bills and what applies for gov money like Paul to make up the rest hah

    I tried to estimate low and I am sure there are expenses I am missing. Sure you grind charters and other commercial fishing seasons the rest of the year, but it seems like a huge grind. Would I do it if it was handed to my from my father, maybe just maybe.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I always thought they were trying too hard to “bad guy up” him

    Agreed. And he’s a pretty poor actor. He seems very robotic at times.

    How about the new boats story line. Let’s have the daughter look lazy all show and then at the end have her saying she needs to step it up and prove herself.

    All of these guys at times seem to just be following the story line the cameraman has instructed them to follow. Both the captain and other deckhand were very dispassionate when talking about the scenario of her needing to step up.

    The funniest part are the interview scenes. They obviously just go in and read the cue cards for the most part.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I always wonder how these bluefin tuna guys make money. And I am talking about before they were getting paid from NatGeo.
    I assume the bluefin season is about 2-3 months?
    And a boat at best makes around 100k-120k?

    I am no business genius but here is how I see it.
    Ok, lets assume they clear 100k in tune, here is how I break it down.
    Gas for about 25-30 outings ($500-1500) ~ $30,000
    Pay your deck hands 20-25% (all summed up) of years profit ~ $25,000
    Your monthly boat payment ($250k-300k boat @ 5% for 3 mons) ~ $7000
    Tackle and equipment upkeep ~ $5000
    Licenses and other odd charges ~ $3000
    Taxed 33% on taxed (non expensed income – $30,000) ~ $10000

    So the very top of the fleet captain is clearing 20k after taxes.

    He then pays his own mortgage still, his kids education, his monthly bills and what applies for gov money like Paul to make up the rest hah

    I tried to estimate low and I am sure there are expenses I am missing. Sure you grind charters and other commercial fishing seasons the rest of the year, but it seems like a huge grind. Would I do it if it was handed to my from my father, maybe just maybe.

    Dot com Dave is also a pilot, he probably isn’t living check to check… whistling

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    After a few episodes of Deadliest Catch, I’m done with these shows after this season.

    I’m pretty sure Sig wouldn’t have potted Jake and the Cornelia Wouldn’t have boxed him in. Too much on the line for these games.

    I’m not even sure the CM misplaced rings and would have captain bill sitting and waiting on them.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Hey, but the flaming hook is real…. crazy grin

    Pete S
    Posts: 277

    I would love to say it shocks me to hear this about Paul. I hooked on the show and take it for what it’s worth. I agree with Pug on the Outerbanks show, that bridge crossing 2x a day would make my testicles hurt.

    Harpoon boats, over the top how they try to build that “rivalry”, hollywood is unwatchable and not in a “makes good tv” kind of way.

    I’m always curious how they know if they are harpooning a short or not. There have been several 73″ fish caught. There’s been a few when they measure it on camera that seem to have a bit of excess slack in the tape.

    I was hoping to see more of the Erin and Sarah this season, I like his low key approach and the “act like you’ve been there before” attitude when he’s bringing in a fish. I laugh every time the Hot Tuna brings one in, the deck turns into a hot mess with all the screaming and butt crack hanging out

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    It’s fun to watch, if weren’t for the wackos Paul and Tyler you’d just have the straight guys going after it, and it would become like an instructional show. It’s entertainment, every time I hear Paul’s madman laugh or Tyler’s squealing I crack up myself. I wouldn’t miss the harpooners on bit either. A side show I think the show could do without. What happened to the “all woman” boat from last year? I haven’t seen them this year, or was that just “Outer Banks”?
    Anyone watch Big Fish Texas? Not quite as wacky, more realistic but I’ve found that one to be interesting. The owner and his brother were originally from MN. Thought I heard them mention it and then I noticed the brother Kenny wearing a “Hunters Point-Mille Lacs Lake” hat. Turns out they still have property around the area.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I haven’t seen them this year, or was that just “Outer Banks”?

    Just outer banks I believe.

    You know why they never look into the camera during the cut scene interviews? Because 90% of the time they are just reading cue cards the show through together for them.

    Posts: 6259

    Huh. Do you think they cue card the ” get the harpoon”. I luv me some wicked tuner

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I laugh every time the Hot Tuna brings one in, the deck turns into a hot mess with all the screaming and butt crack hanging out

    Good one!

    I had a similar comment. I said to my wife that with all the flab floppin’ around, bad hair, dogs barking, and guys yelling, it looks like a Friday night fight at a trailer park every time the Hot Tuna catches a fish. Those guys have to get off the Hot Tuna and get on the treadmill.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Yeah, TJ is really pushing the limits of his health. Besides the weight, wear some damn sunscreen on your forehead. Wtf?

    And if you are too fat to reach your hair to wash it, you might have a problem.

    Posts: 6687

    I always wonder how these bluefin tuna guys make money. And I am talking about before they were getting paid from NatGeo.
    I assume the bluefin season is about 2-3 months?
    And a boat at best makes around 100k-120k?

    I am no business genius but here is how I see it.
    Ok, lets assume they clear 100k in tune, here is how I break it down.
    Gas for about 25-30 outings ($500-1500) ~ $30,000
    Pay your deck hands 20-25% (all summed up) of years profit ~ $25,000
    Your monthly boat payment ($250k-300k boat @ 5% for 3 mons) ~ $7000
    Tackle and equipment upkeep ~ $5000
    Licenses and other odd charges ~ $3000
    Taxed 33% on taxed (non expensed income – $30,000) ~ $10000

    So the very top of the fleet captain is clearing 20k after taxes.

    He then pays his own mortgage still, his kids education, his monthly bills and what applies for gov money like Paul to make up the rest hah

    I tried to estimate low and I am sure there are expenses I am missing. Sure you grind charters and other commercial fishing seasons the rest of the year, but it seems like a huge grind. Would I do it if it was handed to my from my father, maybe just maybe.

    Hey that’s not quite as upside down as my fishing business model…. Spend spend spend… Non taxed reward… Relaxation )

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Whoops, careful who your favorites are…

    I’m pretty sure reality stars are willing to “play the part”. It reaps rewards in supplemental income for following the script.

    Dave Marciano has sponsors like Huk. Not to mention what Nat Geo pays them. I’m guessing wherever there is a scripted reality TV show there is a line of people trying to get it.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>evan_pheneger wrote:</div>
    I always wonder how these bluefin tuna guys make money. And I am talking about before they were getting paid from NatGeo.
    I assume the bluefin season is about 2-3 months?
    And a boat at best makes around 100k-120k?

    I am no business genius but here is how I see it.
    Ok, lets assume they clear 100k in tune, here is how I break it down.
    Gas for about 25-30 outings ($500-1500) ~ $30,000
    Pay your deck hands 20-25% (all summed up) of years profit ~ $25,000
    Your monthly boat payment ($250k-300k boat @ 5% for 3 mons) ~ $7000
    Tackle and equipment upkeep ~ $5000
    Licenses and other odd charges ~ $3000
    Taxed 33% on taxed (non expensed income – $30,000) ~ $10000

    So the very top of the fleet captain is clearing 20k after taxes.

    He then pays his own mortgage still, his kids education, his monthly bills and what applies for gov money like Paul to make up the rest hah

    I tried to estimate low and I am sure there are expenses I am missing. Sure you grind charters and other commercial fishing seasons the rest of the year, but it seems like a huge grind. Would I do it if it was handed to my from my father, maybe just maybe.

    Hey that’s not quite as upside down as my fishing business model…. Spend spend spend… Non taxed reward… Relaxation )

    applause Ha, that gave me a good chuckle

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    iano has sponsors like Huk. Not to mention what Nat Geo pays them. I’m guessing wherever t

    Any news on what he got arrested for?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mplspug wrote:</div>
    iano has sponsors like Huk. Not to mention what Nat Geo pays them. I’m guessing wherever t

    Any news on what he got arrested for?

    OK, you ready for this…. ? He was arrested for pulling some hotel clerks pony tail when drunk !!! rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Allegedly drunk. I read the police said he wasn’t, but the people that called the police said he was.

    This was while filming Outer Banks last year. I don’t see whatever happened to the charges. Perhaps she was paid to go away.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    “she was paid to go away” Who said it was a she hah

    Posts: 1

    These comments about Paul being a fraud are not based in reality. I just returned from the 2017 Bluefin Blowout in Gloucester, Mass. The Wicked Pissah and the Tuna.com were docked there over the weekend and by good luck we ran into Paul and later Dave. Paul was really engaging, for almost an hour he talked on and on about tuna fishing. No hype, just honest talk. Some of his Wicked Tuna character is definitely true. He has the laugh and energy. He also had a more serious and admirable side which was that of a guy who really loved what he did and really appreciated people who shared that interest. Dave on the other hand was quite different. When Dave saw my daughter, myself and a friend, he quickly put his cellphone up to his ear as if someone had that very second just telephoned him, and ran past us. Now there was a Hollywood stunt. Admittedly we may be Wicked Tuna “groupies” but we clearly were not desperate for attention. The difference between the two was also apparent in their boats. Our friend who owns a high end boat down South had earlier commented on Dave’s boat. He estimated it at $3.5m based on engines, electronics, size, etc. And Paul’s boat? Forget it. And if you also consider the state of Hard Merch, these fishermen are driving Ford Pintos while Dave is driving a Porsche. How is there any real competition for tuna here ? They should not be on the same results board.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    yeah, fault Dave for being a commercial airline pilot who has nice boat and stick up for workers comp fraud Paul, because he talked to you. crazy

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