Last fall my motor went. Sold the boat as I didnt want to fix a boat that my family already outgrew. Had my eye on a lund impact 1875 for the last couple years. I want to buy new as I will probably run this boat for the next 20 yrs. But I want to buy smart and get a fair price for me and the dealer. Already crossed a couple dealers off the list and found a dealer that set the boat up right and was slightly priced below others with more options. My problem is they or any dealer I talked with will not move on the price nor even give out free rigging, prep, ect. This is frustrating for me as I don’t want to feel I got a bad deal for the next 20 yrs. I’m not greedy and feel I’m making a good offer. I offered 2500 under their list and told them that’s my budget. As it is my budget and I can’t go over that price. I’m getting a big no on my offers. Thinking about just waiting till fall to purchase as I don’t want to settle on the boat. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

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