I’m looking for a used boat. I’ll be striper/hybrid fishing on a 34k acre lake in Texas. After some research, I’ve decided that a 17′-20′ deep V aluminum boat fits my needs best (fishing, room for family, tubing, easy to maintain, etc.). In Texas, most people fish with glass boats and the only aluminum you see is Tracker, which I keep hearing terrible things about. I’ve been coming to Minnesota for the last 15 summers and everybody here swears by Lund. Can you guys tell me what makes Lund so much better than the others? My budget will allow me to get a much newer Tracker but it sounds like I’d be better off with an older Lund. Also, if you guys can give me an idea what models to look for within a $10k-$20k budget, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks for your input.

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