Why do PMs not work?

  • James Fox
    Delta Junction, Alaska
    Posts: 73

    I tried to PM Brain Klawiter, but it didn’t work.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6146

    Pretty sure PM’s are working.

    How do you know the PM did not work?

    Can you see a copy of your PM to Brian in your sent PM folder?

    If no copy is in the sent folder, make sure you have the correct user name in your PM address. (Easy way to do that is click on Brian’s profile name and send from there.)

    Did you get the test PM from me?


    Tom Albrecht
    Eau Claire
    Posts: 547

    Secrets secrets are no fun, secrets are for everyone

    James Fox
    Delta Junction, Alaska
    Posts: 73

    I did get the test PM. And Tom, I want to start a group.

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