Why Do My Picutes Post Upside Down?

  • dirk-w.
    Posts: 501

    Can someone tell me why pictures I post that appear correct on my computer post upside down on this site? How do I correct this? They originate from my IPhone, if that means anything.
    Thanks in advance.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    They have a spinny wheel thing here…..it spins when your photo comes in and it posts whichever way the wheel stops.

    Posts: 501

    Odds are I should get one right soon then…..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    let’s see, if I hold the camera/phone horizontal they post the wrong way. Holding the Iphone normally gives me a normal photo. If you are left handed and hold the phone with the Home button on the left side, it will post your photos upside down.

    A pita fix is to open your photo in Preview (for mac) and rotate it 90 degrees, then save it. Then rotate it back and save it….then post it.

    Best I gots.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    This is a smart phone anomaly. Which goes to show that those smart phones aren’t so smart. Use a camera.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    If you open the pics in a photo editor like GIMP (free download) they will show up like they do on IDO. You can just rotate the file and save prior to posting them to IDO. It’s worked every time for me.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks Joe. Best I’ve heard of so far!

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    Testing new iPhone photo app.

    1. IMG_0133.jpg

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    Test #2. Sharptailer and Taylor

    1. IMG_0137.jpg

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    Test #3. Maia and mahi-mahi

    1. IMG_0130.jpg

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    I’m an iPhone newbie so I’m playing with posting pics. I downloaded Photoshop Express for free. But it seems that the camera function has what I need without using the app. I rotate the pic all the way around and hit done. It seems to post correctly then.

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    Trial pic

    1. IMG_0192.jpg

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360


    1. IMG_0194.jpg

    Posts: 6259

    I really struggled with this when I was working in Thailand a few years ago. Every since then it’s been O.k…..

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    This should be fixed now. If the photo being uploaded has exif data attached and the server can read the orientation then the server will adjust as needed.

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