I guess I should start leaving them on. I try to stay as far away from crowds as possible, but I usually come up on a Thursday so by Friday evening I’m usually surrounded
must be the old he’s there so he must be catching them mentality. Last year on Red we got there Wednesday and had such good fishing we stayed in the house,. Same deal Thursday, but Friday by around 2pm it was time to get out the Otter because we went from alone to a literal neighborhood in a matter of hours. Then all weekend we heard from the people around us that the fishing sucked. I do like the creature comforts of it over a sleeper house though. Falling asleep watching a movie, waking up and being able to brew a pot of coffee before heading out, and coming in and making my wife’s lasagna in the oven is tough to beat.
If you see an Ice castle with a flag that says Icehole on it, be prepared for company. Last year on LOW we had one set up close but not too close. By the time we got back from chasing walleyes that afternoon there were 4 more with the Icehole flags pretty much circling us. Their license plates were Illinois so I don’t know if that is some group down there or if that Icehole thing is just a popular play on a**hole and many people have them. But those were some of the rudest people I have ever seen.