I absolutely see why you and others are upset (esp. given what has happened on Mille Lacs). However, they are considering to harvest 2500 lbs of fish! Compared to 60 some k for angling fisherman? and sure, i see the argument of “the nets kill more eyes/other sepcies than actually harvested”, but isnt that also true in relation to “our” 60k?
Courts interpret laws, but they ALSO rule on the constitutionality of new laws. If you simply create a new law that directly violates a treaty it will be ruled unconstitutional, and be discarded. Federal courts (only courts that apply to native treaties) have consistently ruled in favor of upholding the treaties since the Indian Movement of the ’70s, and would continue to do so in this situation.
Its very hard to blame indian netting for the situation on Mille Lacs or other lakes in the midwest, and certainly we cannot expect the same only due to netting on Vermillion. As always, it is a mix of stocking, nat. spawning, food supply, weather, invasive species, predators, weather, anglers, and native netting. Each must be managed to find a strong balance-simply suggesting we should oust the group that doesn’t best fit our own best interest is no way to approach a problem. Or at least that is my two cents