Who's home/which lake is next?

  • steve-fellegy
    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Will the other Bands follow –away from Lake Mille Lacs to another walleye mecca? History shows…??


    Obviously–another prime example of 21st century “legalized racism”. ONLY the voting public/citizens can force change that eliminates this ongoing mess–just sayin’. It has NOTHING to do with court action….the courts ONLY interpret/uphold laws. Your Federal/state reps ONLY do away with/create new laws.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    There is no stopping them Steve. We both know that. All we could possibly hope for is they would put a rotation on the lakes so they didn’t hit the same ones year after year.

    This is a old subject that until St. Paul gets behind changing (which will never happen) won’t change or go away I’m afraid. The good thing is both of us are old enough that we likely won’t live to see the final results. However the kids of the bleeding hearts who are afraid of a fight will be the ones to see the carnage GLIFWC will create.

    As for Vermilion………wait until the Muskie guys see how many Muskie are killed in those nets. There will be hell to pay from Muskie Inc. unless they are afraid of GLIFWC too.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536


    As the article stated, the Fond-du-lac tried this last year. Although this was never reported it is my speculation that the Bois Fortes may have told them to go pound sand. Their casino is right on the lake and they rely on both the locals and the tourists to support them. Bad press and loss of customers would hurt them more than the 2500 pounds of walleyes. Maybe there is some sense in this world. The Fond-du-lac or many of the other Wisconsin bands could care less about what’s best for individual tribes and their entities, especially in Minnesota where all the big lakes are.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Damn shame. Also call BS on the highly regulated comment. If these are the same tribes that net Mille Lacs, there will be no way to tell how many fish are actually killed.


    Posts: 276

    Another way to look at this is the more lakes they net and spear, the more people will be affected. Lower property values, less tourism, and less fish. Maybe we will get to a tipping point and something might get done!

    West Metro
    Posts: 611

    Sad, just sad.

    Just because they can, doesn’t mean they should.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    And of course it’s no coincidence that the spring netting by the DNR just had the 3rd highest walleyes-per-net pull in the last 30 years on Vermilion, with the west end actually outperforming the east end for the first time.

    Just because they can, doesn’t mean they have to.


    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Another way to look at this is the more lakes they net and spear, the more people will be affected. Lower property values, less tourism, and less fish. Maybe we will get to a tipping point and something might get done!

    I have said that for years….I think you are right on.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Just because they can, doesn’t mean they should.

    …or will?

    Void the treaty and declare war!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    It has NOTHING to do with court action….the courts ONLY interpret/uphold laws. Your Federal/state reps ONLY do away with/create new laws.

    Wrong. The lawmakers pass or remove laws and the high courts contest the legality based on the treaty. The high courts keep this active by re-interpreting the wording of the treaties to favor the tribes. When the treaties were signed it was against the law for Indians to have or use alcohol. Is this enforced today?

    Posts: 3696

    Hmmm, I was just thinking of booking a trip with a group to Vermilion this summer. Might consider some other options now. What a bummer ~

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    You take the good, you dump the bad, you net the lakes and there you have, the facts of tribe, the facts of bribe. shock

    Posts: 3913

    my opinion only as an outsider looking in and lets follow the money.

    the casino contributes more money than tax dollars per capita.
    your vote will be for who?

    lets run property values down so you can buy on the cheap.
    take over,and demand tax dollars restock what you mined out.
    winner,winner,chicken dinner.

    whether with “sound science or not” you still lose.
    kind of like “global warming science”

    Posts: 1277

    You take the good, you dump the bad, you net the lakes and there you have, the facts of tribe, the facts of bribe. shock

    applause applause applause

    Well played, my friend, well played.

    doah doah doah

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Report from From 4/1/16 “Just stopped by the Platte and Sullivan lake accesses. The kids wanted to skip rocks, but guess we weren’t welcome. The accesses are full of Fond Du Lac conservation officers and some additional boats and trucks with large boxes in the back. Pretty sad situation for those lakes”


    Posts: 276

    lets run property values down so you can buy on the cheap.
    take over,and demand tax dollars restock what you mined out.
    winner,winner,chicken dinner.” Quote

    That has aready started. They will own every piece of valuable property on the West side!

    Ryan Aker
    Posts: 8

    I am a homeowner on Lake Vermilion and if this happens and continues to happen I will put my home up for sale before it turns into Mille Lacs!! As of now the Boise Forte Band is fighting it as they did last year as well!! The BF band is a very respectful and conservative band who still nets small amounts and legally thank you by the way!! Find Du Lac has been famous for devastating lakes they DO Not have a reservation on the lake do not contribute a god dam thing to the stewardship of this area! Our resorts, guides and homeowners on this lake need to band together and do and or support Boise Forte 100% to keep FDL off Lake Vermilion, or it will end up being in the same shape as other lakes have been! I’m not prejudice at all as I have many friends that are part of or live on the Boise Forte but this FDL deal is getting absurd when will it ever be enough?? They do not have to net with any rules or regulations like BSB does they use boats with Gps and mechanical nets get your asses out there and do it the way others have to! I for one am sick and tired of paying for licenses, paying large taxes to be on a lake and hear they have no affiliation to this lake yet are gonna be here to net it sad deal out Gov. Doesn’t have the backbone to regulate this stuff a little bit!! I don’t want to hear the it’s there treaty right poop either there are ways around that! Sorry for the rant DONE!! Good luck Lake Vermilion

    1. image-2.png

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1982

    Report from From 4/1/16 “Just stopped by the Platte and Sullivan lake accesses. The kids wanted to skip rocks, but guess we weren’t welcome. The accesses are full of Fond Du Lac conservation officers and some additional boats and trucks with large boxes in the back. Pretty sad situation for those lakes”


    The news from Platte/Sullivan is if anything a net positive for fishing at my lakes. They got 57 pike and only 7 walleyes with no bass, thank goodness. Just imagine how many other fish those 57 pike would have eaten. More room in the lake now for eyes, bass, and panfish. In case you are not aware Platte/Sullivan has major hammerhandle issues. Apparently of the three permits that were pulled only one of them is considering coming back this year. Somehow I doubt that will be the case.

    Posts: 6


    I absolutely see why you and others are upset (esp. given what has happened on Mille Lacs). However, they are considering to harvest 2500 lbs of fish! Compared to 60 some k for angling fisherman? and sure, i see the argument of “the nets kill more eyes/other sepcies than actually harvested”, but isnt that also true in relation to “our” 60k?

    Courts interpret laws, but they ALSO rule on the constitutionality of new laws. If you simply create a new law that directly violates a treaty it will be ruled unconstitutional, and be discarded. Federal courts (only courts that apply to native treaties) have consistently ruled in favor of upholding the treaties since the Indian Movement of the ’70s, and would continue to do so in this situation.

    Its very hard to blame indian netting for the situation on Mille Lacs or other lakes in the midwest, and certainly we cannot expect the same only due to netting on Vermillion. As always, it is a mix of stocking, nat. spawning, food supply, weather, invasive species, predators, weather, anglers, and native netting. Each must be managed to find a strong balance-simply suggesting we should oust the group that doesn’t best fit our own best interest is no way to approach a problem. Or at least that is my two cents ;)

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    I absolutely see why you and others are upset (esp. given what has happened on Mille Lacs). However, they are considering to harvest 2500 lbs of fish! Compared to 60 some k for angling fisherman? and sure, i see the argument of “the nets kill more eyes/other sepcies than actually harvested”, but isnt that also true in relation to “our” 60k?

    Courts interpret laws, but they ALSO rule on the constitutionality of new laws. If you simply create a new law that directly violates a treaty it will be ruled unconstitutional, and be discarded. Federal courts (only courts that apply to native treaties) have consistently ruled in favor of upholding the treaties since the Indian Movement of the ’70s, and would continue to do so in this situation.

    Its very hard to blame indian netting for the situation on Mille Lacs or other lakes in the midwest, and certainly we cannot expect the same only due to netting on Vermillion. As always, it is a mix of stocking, nat. spawning, food supply, weather, invasive species, predators, weather, anglers, and native netting. Each must be managed to find a strong balance-simply suggesting we should oust the group that doesn’t best fit our own best interest is no way to approach a problem. Or at least that is my two cents ;)

    Yup–2 cents worth that you are entitled to. But you have no clue as what reality is…biology based facts on the record. Call me if you have questions…or want MORE than 2 cents worth.

    Posts: 6

    Not sure how I would call you, feel free to walk me through it here!

    There are no “facts” which state what caused a decline. How do you know which thousand pounds of fish harvested cause more damage? Since natives have LEGAL FEDERAL TREATIES giving them rights to the lake, why not shift “our” harvest down 5k on the lake? Problem solved and then some, correct?

    Way too many people are dead set on eating/keeping as many fish as they can. Walleye fishing should be about the fun and taking a small meal, not how many pounds can i stock my fridge with. If people would take an hour out of their trip and catch gills/smallies (abundant across the state) this really wouldn’t be that much of an issue. Should absolutely be able to have 2.5k be netted (again, meeting federal treaties we traded to acquire the land our state sits on) without killing off an entire lake.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    My phone # Nathaniel, is in my signature…

    FYI–In fact, IF you are willing to use DNR records/science based facts–very clear proof is in the pudding.

    Ryan Aker
    Posts: 8

    Ok let’s just say for 1 minute that they are only going to take 2500 pounds and that will be regulated?? Which it will not be contrary to what they claim! Not sure if you have any recollection of operation square hook which involved FDL band but never were they convicted!! Secondly Boise Forte nets Vermilion already and have asked FDL to respect there not wanting them to net for BFs own business interests but it goes to show you that FDL has no morales it’s not even a rights thing for them it’s a fact that they can they will and they don’t give a poop!! With that attitude why do they deserve to have netting rights?? Next if they want to net that’s just great come on up and net but get your ass in a canoe and do it like there forefathers did not in big power boats with gps and motor assist nets that’s just lazy!! So you can talk on your pedestal about how it’s all fine but until they respect others and so there netting how they should I cannot agree with it!! On that note I feel and support Boise Forte netting they respect other bands by only netting there HOME lake and give back to the area WTF does FDL do for the lake????!

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Not sure how I would call you, feel free to walk me through it here!

    There are no “facts” which state what caused a decline. How do you know which thousand pounds of fish harvested cause more damage? Since natives have LEGAL FEDERAL TREATIES giving them rights to the lake, why not shift “our” harvest down 5k on the lake? Problem solved and then some, correct?

    Way too many people are dead set on eating/keeping as many fish as they can. <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Walleye fishing should be about the fun and taking a small meal, not how many pounds can i stock my fridge with. If people would take an hour out of their trip and catch gills/smallies (abundant across the state) this really wouldn’t be that much of an issue. Should absolutely be able to have 2.5k be netted (again, meeting federal treaties we traded to acquire the land our state sits on) without killing off an entire lake.

    Netting walleye…What sex are most (North of 80%) of the walleyes? Male. What did the DNR show was a concern of theirs a couple years ago? Male walleye population in the lake. Before you come into this thread saying the netting does no harm and that us white guys filling our coolers is the issue, you really need to look at the facts…RR

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Oh and Nate…Take Steve up on his offer and call him. He is the most knowledgeable person on this site about this issue. If you don’t call him then you really need to stop posting until you do…RR

    Posts: 659

    They are just moving on to other waters,what’s the harm?No different than a guide that makes his living off of the resource and then moves on to a different lake once the fishing dries up.

    Posts: 6


    I never said nor implied that “us white guys filling our coolers” was the issue. Please go back and check, I clearly state that the problem is unequivocally a mix of angling, netting, spawning, stocking, and other factors. Anything that adds or removes walleyes from a lake is relevant, and all must be managed. And i disagree with the popular sentiment that all netting is evil and removing netting would solve all of our issues. Every aspect of a fishery should be managed and cared for to ensure strong numbers going forward, the idea that one group “filling their cooler,” or one group filling their nets is simple minded and more than likely inaccurate.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Wow…Your words.

    “Walleye fishing should be about the fun and taking a small meal, not how many pounds can i stock my fridge with”

    Now I ask you…Did you mean that towards the natives also? I didn’t think so. Like I say, you need to be informed before you speak. Call Steve…RR

    Posts: 6

    But thats not the exclusive problem! I think its relevant, esp. in a body of water where anglers takes more than the natives do. Netting part of the problem, angling part of the problem, poor management, invasive species, and weather ARE ALL PART OF THE PROBLEM. I absolutely did mean that towards the natives.

    natives and anglers have legal rights to use these resources. That isnt going to change. Whining that the other group should not be allowed has no legal or logical grounds to stand on, i believe anglers who value the resource should be focused on finding a common ground solution.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Nate (and others that see things the way you do…), before the netting (and before the DNR’s stupid imposed slot limits…) the lake ran itself. You could go out and catch ALL classes of fish any time of the year AND THE LAKE WAS HEALTHY! Suddenly netting (by one race of people…) is introduced to the lake and the DNR imposes their muscle with these asinine slots that made no sense at all. Fast forward to today. The lake is broken due to netting and the DNR. NOTHING MORE!! The lake ran just fine when ALL people (Indians included…) were allowed to fish the lake according to the laws (and limits…) that the DNR set forth for the ENTIRE State. Worked just fine with out netting. Netting IS THE issue not rod n reel catches. I ask you Nate: Why did it work before when all that was done was hook n line fishing and now that Netting is introduced it does not work??? Go…

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