Every winter I catch a cold from my walking Petri dishes, and this year was no exception
Hank came home about a week and a half ago with the sniffles and a voice an octave lower, a day or two later he was perfectly fine…
Then I got it. Felt crappy for a couple days, but in the last week I could have filled a five gallon bucket with snot and phlegm
I’m not the biggest fan of taking a bunch of pills or drugs, but gave in for two nights with NyQuil so I could sleep instead of gagging on boogers every 30 mintutes lol
I feel completely fine now, but probably have another day or two of random nose blowing and loogies left in me.
And not to get this thread too far off track, but it was brought up earlier. For those living under a rock, there’s a 99.999999% chance that the Rona was man-made in a lab (surprisingly even admitted by our own government).
“We” were called crazy conspiracy theorists when the news came out in 2020 about a new coronavirus originating in a city with a lab that “researches” coronavirus viruses…oh…and a certain “doctor” from the U.S. had absolutely nothing to do with it…and said doctor would never push a vaccine down our throats for a virus he had nothing to do with creating.
How in the hell people didn’t connect the dots themselves and denied it tooth and nail is completely beyond me.
Now everything is fine, it’s fine, everything is fine.
Critical thinking is vanishing at a rapid rate, and what the TV tells you “has to be true”…
But now I need a new conspiracy theory….because all of my old ones have become true