Who would do this?

  • fishspike
    Posts: 202

    Went for my walk this morning and some Pig dumped this on the side of road. They couldn’t even throw in the ditch. What a moron!!!

    1. 38F72D0E-479A-4D77-B4AE-7761E2A8B11E-scaled.jpeg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Same slobs who litter the ice, dump their ashtrays in parking lots. They are everywhere and unfortunately they teach their kids by their actions.

    Posts: 3913

    while we are waiting on your pics I will mention the two miles of county road north of us and the half mile of county road that borders our farm property.
    We have found junk push lawn mowers, lawn chairs, freezers, a fridge or two, a minibike frame that was useless and several garbage bags full of stuff with names on it !! turned those aholes in to the sheriff and watched from a distance, the look of shame was priceless !!

    My worst fears happened three years ago when I was heading up to the farm.
    There in the ditch laid a dead ancient Irish setter complete with his blanket, cage, food and water dish and a garbage can half full of his feces.
    To this day I swear if I ever come across the sumbitch that did that I will end up in jail and gladly do so.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18760

    My worst fears happened three years ago when I was heading up to the farm.
    There in the ditch laid a dead ancient Irish setter complete with his blanket, cage, food and water dish and a garbage can half full of his feces.
    To this day I swear if I ever come across the sumbitch that did that I will end up in jail and gladly do so.

    That is so sad. That would leave a scar on me if I found something like that too, no doubt about it.

    Posts: 3913

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>iowaboy1 wrote:</div>
    My worst fears happened three years ago when I was heading up to the farm.
    There in the ditch laid a dead ancient Irish setter complete with his blanket, cage, food and water dish and a garbage can half full of his feces.
    To this day I swear if I ever come across the sumbitch that did that I will end up in jail and gladly do so.

    That is so sad. That would leave a scar on me if I found something like that too, no doubt about it.

    It did and it’s still there.
    I grew up on a farm and took care of all kinds of animals,to this day any critter I have charge of eats and drinks before I do.

    Thank you mom and dad for teaching me animal husbandry and land stewardship!!

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    Same crap on our road, we get everything from dead cows to skinned deer, the best is the dipsticks who dump there leaves in the ditch which no would care, except they throw the whole garbage bag and all.
    lots of slobs out there!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Have no mercy on them. Problem is the consequences are so minimal.

    Bleeding heart snowflakes all cry about penalties of crimes being too harsh for things. Well people “here’s your sign”

    Duke M
    Posts: 208

    Have you all looked around at the caliber of people we are living with on a daily basis? If you want a real eye opener just find out what day is criminal court day at your local county court house and sit in the gallery for a couple of hours. You can make up your own minds.

    Posts: 1719

    Sad thing, most of these stories are from Minnesota. Of the middle states, gulf to Canada I’ve been in. Minnesota is one of the cleanest. Soutern Iowa and North Missouri have a term. “Take it to the ditch”. Meaning the closest creek. No worries. First heavy rain it’s gone. Appliances, furniture, farm chemical jugs you name it. I took an old boy fishing down there. He threw a coffee cup out the window of my truck. I slammed on the brakes and made him get out and pick it up. You could tell, it was just what he’d done his whole life. I was amazed. Alabama was one of the cleanest. Then I realized Activity Time at the County jail. Was walking the ditch in an orange jump suit.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    I live off a gravel road in Farmington.
    If anyone needs an old fridge, dishwasher or couch I’m taking orders.
    Inventory changes weekly.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    2-3 times a year I do pond and ditch cleanup. Since my son joined scouts I have been making the troop join me. I am always surprised by the stuff we find and we just did it in the spring. It piles up so fast. The first year I did the Cannon River Watershed clean up we took out 4,800 lbs of crap! And people wander why our lakes look dirty. The water does clean up when you get away from the spots where people dump stuff. Come join us next year if you have time. https://cleanriverpartners.org/cleanup/

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    Well at least the fish carcasses ate biodegradable. Maybe he thought he was feeding the crows and eagles. Pretty sad though.

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