I’m glad this post came up.
Ski and I were talking about this over the weekend when at least 3 fish over 30″ were brought home to have mounted.
We came up with the thought that replicas are a good thing. Much easier to keep clean too.
But we couldn’t figure out who’s right was more important. The fella that takes a trophy home or the CPR fella that brow beats an angler that takes his legally caught fish home (no matter what the size)
I know one thing that does not work, and that’s posting to an excited anglers photo in a forum or social media complaining that the fish wasn’t released.
That just tee’s off the angler and sets up a wall between the “conservation minded” angler and the fella that wants to take home dinner (no matter what size).
I would suggest private messages to folks if you feel that strongly about killing those (relatively) old females. I’ve found people are more receptive to listening when they aren’t being embarrassed on the internets.
I’m getting to be an expert at the above with all the gill held sturgeon photos showing up lately.
I feel it’s a win/win/win ending when an angler catches a trophy fish, has a replica made and allows the fish to be caught by another lucky angler.
A great memory ends up on the wall, the replica fella makes some money and his/her business grows and lastly there’s a chance that you can catch it.
Forget about the spawn. But that’s just my opinion.