who is ready for the season to start.

  • #1566732

    I love this time of year. Cannot wait for duck season this upcoming Saturday. I will be out on Leech Lake and it looks good. Lots of Mallards, woodies and teal in the area. I will bring the bobber rod to catch some perch while I am hunting too. Anyone got any big trips planned? I know I am going to do Lake Superior with the layout boats, and hopefully get out on mille lacs a few more times this year with the layout boats as well. I always make at least one trip to ND, but might focus on traveling the state this year for some different hunting. I had a great year on Leech and never have any other competition out here so that’s always fun. Hopefully we got a few duck hunters on here, maybe swap some hunts.

    Posts: 9311

    No big trips planned but hope to have a great season. I prefer big water late season diver hunts but hunt the early season for my boys. I used to hunt Milly a lot 20 years ago. That was before layout boats were allowed. I have some friends going to ND but don’t think I will take the time off to go.

    1. 2013-11-09-07.26.15.jpg

    Posts: 9311

    New additions to the spread this year.

    1. 20150913_172334.jpg


    Looks like a good addition to the spread. I got a couple dozen of those and they can take a load of steel too.

    Posts: 585

    I’m pumped. Boats rigged with a new beavertail flip over blind.

    1. image28.jpg

    2. image27.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Just put the finishing touches on everything at the farm this weekend, been working on things every weekend since labor day. Be back Friday night, do a little BSing at the fire and then up bright and early Saturday. Fired up as I am every year. Lots of mallards this year, woodies are always plentiful, but I am seeing a lot more mallards than usual. That’s a good thing.

    Headed on our annual trip to Manitoba first week in October so this weekend will be a good warm up and get the kinks out.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    rotated pics. waytogo you look ready woot

    1. image27-1.jpg

    2. image28-1.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I like that blind,should work out real good. We have a beavertail blind on one of our boats, those blinds are the ticket!!

    Good luck to you too!

    Posts: 585

    Thanks big g. That’s just the way my damn I phone puts them on. Wish I could get on a computer more often to post but I’m in the trades not around a computer at all.
    Happy hunting everyone.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    This year I have more trade shows running in Oct. plus Olivia has a bull tag for CO that is 1st week of Nov. That will make getting out difficult for us. But she has never done the open water Lake MI in Nov, so I want to make that happen. If anything, I want her to experience 100’s of diver flying by her like F-16’s 4′ above the water.

    Posts: 585

    Randy that would be awesome. I hope you can make that happen for her. Can’t wait to see the pics.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Randy that would be awesome. I hope you can make that happen for her. Can’t wait to see the pics.

    When I grew up in Racine, we had a small group of us that did all open water hunting. 200-400 decoy spread 3 to 5 miles out. Haven’t done it in 25+ years, but I cant imagine that flight patterns have changed any.

    Posts: 585

    thats sweet. I’ve got back into water fowling a couple years ago. I always have done it my whole life but took the water/boat game of it out for a couple years after I lost a young dog to lymes and lepto. Now with my express boat and a beavertail blind we are back at it. O and a chocolate lab that’s on her 3rd year now.
    We always have hunted fields hard around the south metro coats/Hastings and Rosemount we shoot over 300 geese a year. Come join us some time. The best is December.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Good luck everybody and BE SAFE!

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mattgroff wrote:</div>
    Randy that would be awesome. I hope you can make that happen for her. Can’t wait to see the pics.

    When I grew up in Racine, we had a small group of us that did all open water hunting. 200-400 decoy spread 3 to 5 miles out. Haven’t done it in 25+ years, but I cant imagine that flight patterns have changed any.

    That does sound like a blast Randy, I haven’t hunted much open water other than a trip to Alaska duck hunting. The patterns might not have changed much, but the diver population sure has. For reasons they still aren’t sure of the bluebills are still hurting and not coming back very strong. That is unfortunate because they are one of the top 3 for ducks I like to hunt. They commit to a decoy spread with such vigor and speed.
    Good luck all, shoot straight and be safe!!!

    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 469

    Happy Duck Hunting EVE!!!!

    Posts: 9311

    Seeing lots of duck boats in the Alexandria area while working today. Less than 12 hours to go! yay

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