Who is all coming down to Pool 4 this weekend?

  • 4seasonsport
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 317

    The weather is going to be gorgeous starting tomorrow morning. We are excited to be able to fish with a couple less layers on and actually feel a bite. I could use some pictures from the water so if you do not mind sharing please send them to me at 612.598.7802 include some information about the subject and anything else you are willing to provide.

    Good luck, Chris

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Oh I thought you were taking reservations for the good parking spots……….

    Posts: 2685

    Everyone in the tri state region. Remember to bring a couple extra doses of patience. As much as I’ve sat at accesses over the years waiting to launch/load, I’ve seen a lot of guy’s willing to help people out at all the access points on the river if someone has issues or on the water. That’s refreshing to see, especially with the crowds on pool 4. Seems like most guy’s are use to the crowds and bumper boats.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8951

    +1 on the patience. It will likely resemble bumperboats in the community spots. Please practice selective harvest and consider laying off the scour holes near the dam if you are headed to Pool 4. This resource is resilient, but not immune to overharvest or excessive hooking mortality. I enjoy a good fish fry like most, but killing small fish by the boatload or keeping the prime spawners isn’t the answer.

    Educated anglers understand that the chance for quality 4lb+ fish is far better away from the dam. Unfortunately far too many are interested in feeding the eagles.

    Posts: 43

    Im headed there tomorrow. But just wondering, is the dam open or closed. TIA

    Carl S
    Posts: 60

    I’ve never fished pool 4 in the spring – is the landing manageable solo on the weekends? I’m pretty fast at launching/loading my boat solo but hate feeling like I’m holding everyone up.

    Posts: 2685

    I’ve used Evert’s by myself or with kids and have never had any issues. Most times someone is willing to help if you need it. If you’re use to doing it yourself and are efficient at it there shouldn’t be any issues. Most people who’ve been to that rodeo down there know the crowds and line’s, but it keeps moving really smoothly considering the volume of people. Haven’t been to the WI back channel one since they redid it, so not sure about that one currently.

    Nick Meyer
    Posts: 40

    Use the backchannel launch!!! ;)

    New Richmond, Wi
    Posts: 724

    It was slow for me Saturday. Seemed like that for everyone. I bailed at 3. Anyone stick it out? Did they turn on closer to dark?

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 667

    We found a few decent fish, but the bite was pretty slow for us as well. The sun came out and the fish shut down. We tried deeper adjacent water without success and then pulled the plug at 3 pm too.

    1. IMG_0151.jpg

    Posts: 922

    20″ Pepin Eye, today.

    1. 100_0205.jpg

    Posts: 7348

    Great fish guys! toast

    Ryan P
    Posts: 223

    Have fun fishing everyone…My boat will still be in storage cause I promised the wife I wouldn’t get it out until March. doah

    Guess I’ll take advantage of the nice weather to get some stuff done around the house so I’m ready to go then.

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