Whitefish chain/crosslake

  • Walleyeguy35
    Posts: 4

    Looking for pointers on ice fishing walleye on crosslake or the whitefish chain thanks. More specifically access point for truck and wheelhouse

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4558

    Sorry, cant help you, but just be careful, many of the access points are in some narrows and could have current/thinner ice….especially Cross Lake. Upper Whitefish might be a better.

    Posts: 111

    Whitefish/cross has been a puzzle that I’ve been trying to figure out for several years now. There seems to be equal success in fishing a weed line near the shoreline drop offs as there is out on the reefs. The biggest thing I can recommend is that, regardless of your location, be ready at the sunset window. There is definitely a flash bite and if you miss it, your chances of hooking up with a walleye go way down. (I have not fished late night, so no info there) Typical clear water walleye tactics work here. Pike, Whitefish, Tullibee, and Eel pout are likely bi-catches as well which is fun.

    As for access point, I would recommend the boat launch on the NW side of Cross lake. There are roads plowed out there that people have made for their own access for free, so please be respectful. DO NOT drive anywhere near the entrance to Rush as it has open water or anywhere near the dam as that is likely thin as well. Not sure where a good place to access Whitefish with a wheelhouse.

    Let me know if you are going to be a constant in the area and we can start to exchange info!

    Posts: 4

    Thank you for the info. I agree on the weed line bite it can be just as good as the reefs. I’ve done equally as well on both. I would like to come up there more frequently. My grandparents used to have a cabin on rush and we’ve done good out there in the winter but it seemed to be hit or miss. But if I ever make it out on cross I’ll definitely be staying away from the channel and dam. I appreciate your input

    Posts: 1247

    There is/was a winter access on pig lake which may get you onto whitefish depending on snow conditions. It is about a mile from the fire station on 16 if heading to crosslake. Otherwise you could try calling some of the resorts and see if they will let you access the lake from there.

    Posts: 2129

    Check with Heath Resort, most poeople go out of the Pig Bay, I Have not idea on the ice condition I haven’t been on whitefish this year yet.

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