Whistles Binkies Ice Tournament Feb. 3 Rochester

  • EW6
    Posts: 168

    The Whistle Binkies Warm Up to the Polar Plunge Ice Fishing contest is this coming Feb 3rd from 12:00 Noon – 4:00 P.M. at Whistle Binkies South in Rochester MN. This is just one of many great events happening all day at Whistle Binkies to benefit Special Olympics.

    Entry fee is $10, with an optional $1 big fish pot. Half of the entry fees will be donated to Special Olympics with the rest paid out to the winners. Contestants can weigh a total of 4 fish composed of any combination of crappie, sunfish or perch. Big fish pot is open to any legal species. Registration begins at 10:00 A.M. Details on where to find me for registration will be added later.

    Hoping to see you all there!
    Whistle Binkies Event Website

    1. IMG_5342.jpg

    Posts: 168

    Reminder to join us out on the ice at Whistle Binkies on Saturday. We’ll be taking registrations in a gray and black double pop-up Frabil shack.

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