Which Transducer?

  • Heff
    Posts: 2

    Hello, I want to purchase a 106 ultra for my bow unit. I have an older Terrova (2013-14). Should I just use the Built in transducer with an adapter or should/could I mount a GT-54 or 56 to the outside of the motor? Thanks for any help you can provide. BTW, I have a 93UHD on the console.

    Posts: 19578

    What do you want out of your bow sonar? I ask because you’re comparing the most basic 83/200mhz sonar with the most advanced megahertz Side & Down imaging sonar…. If going with the built-in Terrova ducer you’re wasting the Ultra106…

    Posts: 2

    Agreed. Just wondering if anyone has externally mounted a GT-54 or 56 transducer externally on a older Terrova? I haven’t tried side scan on a trolling motor. Wouldn’t think it would work well with it constantly turning when using auto pilot. Looking for opinions before I pull the trigger.

    Posts: 19578

    While I don’t personally use bow sonar that way (I use a simple Helix 5 with the minnkota US/2 for just depth) tons of folks do without issues… Just be mindful of the transducer cord when stowing & deploying.

    Posts: 188

    If your into SI get the 56 ducer.

    The 54 ducer is way under powered in the higher frequencies. Pretty disappointed compared to bird SI.

    At lower frequency (455) it does a pretty good job and is somewhat comparable to bird units.

    Posts: 231

    I have mounted the 54 to the TM, but from what I have read and heard the 56 is too big to fit the TM.

    Posts: 188

    I have mounted the 54 to the TM, but from what I have read and heard the 56 is too big to fit the TM.

    I think the 56 is around 2-3 inches longer then the 54.

    Again the 54 is underpowered DI/SI.

    The 54 is great for 2D and if your fishing 40’ feet or less with DI.

    If your not into SI or don’t need DI in deep water the 54 will do just fine.

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