Which reel?

  • tonkaiceman
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 153

    Hey all you Muskie guys. I am looking to get a new Muskie reel. I have narrowed it down to three options all shimano. Calcutta 400D, curado 300EJ and chronarch CI4+. I was leaning towards the Calcutta from the get go because I have some gift cards to use towards it. It is probably important to note that I don’t want to go more expensive like a tran x. I don’t throw big cowgirls my shoulders can’t do it. Generally every bait in my arsenal is under 9 inches most around 6 inches. I am not die hard Muskie guy just want a reel to hold up for the next 5 years at least. I exploded a low end reel last year and managed to get it replaced. I don’t want to do that again as I only have one true Muskie rod. So just looking for a few more opinions before I pull the trigger. As you guys may know Muskie opener in MN is next week so I am looking to move quickly. Thanks for all your input. waytogo

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Among those you mentioned the 400D is a great all around reel. That said, consider the Garcia Revo Toro NaCl in the 5.4 gear ratio. It’s a great all around reel and very comfortable to fish with. If you’re using smaller baits more than larger ones you might even consider a 50 size instead of the 60. I know the curado and chronarch are tempting – they’re sweet reels – but with the high gear ratios they’re not nearly as versatile. The Toro is the best of both worlds and super durable (unlike the 6500).

    Wright County
    Posts: 3151

    I have had a calcutta 400B and it is a dream. You can burn bucktails with it pretty well while still being able to throw the bigger plastics. I just clean and lube it every spring and havnt had any issues yet. But I have heard good things about the revo line of reels as well. also the tranx sound amazing but I dont have that kind of money to spend on a reel yet shock

    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 153

    I checked out the toro at cabelas first hand today. I didn’t like the over all feel and size of the reel. I ended up getting the 400D I think I sold myself on that one from the get go. Thanks to both of you two for your input. toast

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Get the 400D the curado is a nice reel for jerk baits and small baits but the Calcutta is a beast!

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I have a Calcutta Conquest 400 with a power handle. Very nice reel, that I don’t use that much of. I’ve got 80# suffix braid on with 80# Fluorocarbon leader. I only sometimes musky fish, but am ready whenever.

    Posts: 6687

    I’ve got two Revo Toro’s in 60 size.
    One is HS one is Not.

    Both awesome reels.

    Make great catfish/sturgeon reels too.

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