Decided on a new propane auger for this year, as the Ion X just wasn’t the ticket up at LOTW in 4+ ft of ice. Decided to go with propane over gas, but which brand, Eskimo or Jiffy? I have read of issues with both. The Eskimo seems to get better reviews, but it is not available in 9″, which is my preferred size. I also already have an extension for a jiffy. The Eskimo I’m told has the same auger bit as the Ion X, which would freeze up on me all the time and jam with ice chips in thick ice. The warranty on Eskimo is 5 yrs versus 2 for jiffy. Weight isn’t a huge factor for me. I’m really torn, but kinda leaning towards the jiffy 46 x-treme, but worried about dependability and shorter warranty. I do not need to reopen old holes. Your thoughts?
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