Which PFD (vest)

  • ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    I decided that I better get a PFD so I need advice and personal experience from you guys/gals.
    Not sure if I should get an inflatable or what.
    I fish all the way to ice up so I need something comfortable yet able to fit over bulky coats.

    Thank you for your advice.

    Davenport, Iowa
    Posts: 203

    I have a auto-inflatable PFD and it is very lite, cool in hot weather, not bulky, more than once I’ve driven 1/2 way home before I realized I still had it on. I have never fallen in the river so haven’t tested that part of it.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Yep, I’ve heard the auto inflates are quite comfortable and you hardly notice. I think the best thing about those is that for some that dislike the traditional because of bulk and they are hot in the summer, they are for more likely to put on the auto inflates…which is the reason you have them to begin with. They do you no good stored in a boat compartment. They are pricier which is why I still use the Stearns with the mesh shoulders. I fish on my own most the time so I always commit to wearing a PFD when out on the water.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Inflatables are a little more maintenance but well worth the extra effort for their light weight and comfort.

    My boat doesn’t leave the dock without each person wearing one of my inflatables and a couple of times over the years I’ve had to call people on their cells and ask them to bring them back. They are just that comfortable.

    Inflatables must be worn over the top of clothing. I can’t speak for other brands but I wear a FloatTech XL over the top of my winter gear with out it being too large for summer wear.

    Hopefully what ever PFD you buy (and wear) you’ll never need it. )

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 213

    I hate fishing with a jacket on. When I wasn’t wearing my jacket, which was all too often, it would get stuffed in a compartment where it would do no good if I needed it. Since buying an inflatable, I actually wear my jacket now. Inflatables can be bought at a reasonable price. I watched for end of season sales and paid less than $75.

    Just saying.

    Posts: 1275

    Above are all good comments. After reading the umpteenth report regarding inflatables(thsnks BK), I finally bit the bullet and bought a couple as well. I now wear them all the time when running, and most of the time when fishing. About the only time I don’t is when it is really, really hot out and we are fishing.

    They were well worth the investment.

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    I too purchased an inflatable last Christmas with a Gift card from my family pretty much telling what I was going to buy with it. I am like the others and kept the regular vest in a compartment. I now where it all the time, even in the winter over my coat. The only time I used my old life jacket this year was on my canoe trip when I take it as extra warm layer and I can wear under my rain coat.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Keep in mind that if you don’t have the inflatable on, it doesn’t count in the eyes of the law. Of course, wearing it all the time is best, but if you take it off, make sure that you have a regular PFD accessible.

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    How long do the inflatable vests last ?
    Do the need recharging?


    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Mine needs a recharge kit once every 3 years if it’s not inflated first….

    Posts: 1275

    Keep in mind that if you don’t have the inflatable on, it doesn’t count in the eyes of the law. Of course, wearing it all the time is best, but if you take it off, make sure that you have a regular PFD accessible.

    Not sure about that. It was explained to me by a USCG officer that the label and rating was the determinant. Type 3 of type 5, or 2 or whatever approval rating determined whether they needed to be worn to count. The type requirements are spelled out in the boating regs. Unless the state has tighter tolerances tban the USGC(whick wouldnt surprise me at all), i am not sure wearing them is a requirement necessarily. I have never asked a MN officer.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    How long do the inflatable vests last ?
    Do the need recharging?


    Lance, again I can only speak for the Float Tech brand.

    The PFD it’s self will last indefinitely depending on how you take care of them.
    For recreational use, the “pill” should be changed every two years. ($9.99 for three)

    The recharge kit may never be needed. (Normally under $20.00)

    It’s recommended to check for leaks each year. I manually inflate mine (by mouth) 3 times per year just to check to insure nothing happened to them. More if I think the bladder was punctured. It’s surprising how little puffing it takes to fill a PFD up. Then I leave it sit over night. Full of air in the morning and we’re good to go.

    If not, well it’s possible to return to the factory. I haven’t had to do this so…no recommendations for that.

    I unscrew the C02 cartridge once I’m done using them for the year.

    The photo’s on my guide page show the brand I’m referring to.

    This last summer even good ol’ River Rat Randy bought a Float Tech. He like the rest of use realize he isn’t getting any younger and might need a little help staying afloat if what we know won’t happen to us…happens. )

    The Float Tech’s can be bought with just the vest or the vest and the outer shell. The shell is the only thing that can be worn over the inflatable as it expands if the vest is inflated.

    The shells are very good if your caught in the rain. They have a built in hood and the sleeved zip off if you like. They are not a Simms rain jacket, but they will keep the wind and rain off.

    PS Even if Mary looks like she’s topless…she does have a top on…I think.

    1. bob-58-355x237.jpg

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    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    Great info BK.
    Where do you recommend I get one ?

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Darn!…..Even after all these years why am I surprised that I’ve something new on IDO…… doah
    Brian…until you posted I thought the only way to replace the pill was to get a recharge kit from Cabela’s (that’s what brand I have)…. A quick Google after your post I found that I can get just the bobbins…granted not at the price you pay…but $19 for 3 is still better than a whole kit…..besides,now I have an extra CO2 grin

    Thanks bud toast

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Timmy, the CG and states are changing the labeling. No more Type I, II, III, V but an inflatable must be worn to be legal. Also a person must be 16 years old to wear an inflatable but that’s changing from what I heard as well.

    As far as were to get the Float Tech brand, the least expensive way is to use google to find the best price. Since no one in these parts sells them, I’ve set myself up as a dealer…however I’m such low volume, you can save $10 or $20 by using Lands End or other large on line sales companies.

    Personally I don’t care who you buy from or what brand you buy…just buy one and wear it.

    (‘welcome Mud!)

    Posts: 1275

    Timmy, the CG and states are changing the labeling. No more Type I, II, III, V but an inflatable must be worn to be legal. Also a person must be 16 years old to wear an inflatable but that’s changing from what I heard as well.

    Interesting. Thanks. I was unaware regarding the 16yr age restriction. My boy has been wearing one for two yrs……oooops!

    Thanks again, Tim.

    Posts: 760

    Is there anything to worry about in the winter time on the river. Would there be any problem inflating when it is under 32º?

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Is there anything to worry about in the winter time on the river. Would there be any problem inflating when it is under 32º?



    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    Well color me surprised as heck!!

    The label on mine say “do not use below freezing”.

    Mine is a full auto inflate and uses a 33gram CO2 cartridge. The trigger/inflator mechanism is a Halkey-Roberts type 1F AUTOMATIC INFLATOR.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I checked with Float Tech on the use in the winter time a while back. They said they didn’t see any problems with it.

    Don’t take my word for it though, check with them.

    Here’s a link to the FAQ. A contact us link is there as well.


    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Is there anything to worry about in the winter time on the river. Would there be any problem inflating when it is under 32º?

    From watching “Deadliest Catch” I went with a Mustang inflatable. Guys are out there on deck in -10 to -20 temps and getting hit with soaker waves wearing Mustangs. Sold me.


    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nord wrote:</div>
    Is there anything to worry about in the winter time on the river. Would there be any problem inflating when it is under 32º?

    From watching “Deadliest Catch” I went with a Mustang inflatable. Guys are out there on deck in -10 to -20 temps and getting hit with soaker waves wearing Mustangs. Sold me.


    Which model Mustang ?

    Posts: 4941

    I have five inflateables three float-Tec and two Mustangs.
    I like wearing the full vest float-tecs when it,s cool out,during the heat of the summer I wear my mustang.
    When my boat is on the water,my inflateables are on my family or friends.You can’t go wrong wearing either style.

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