Which light to buy?

  • Mocha
    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Hey Guys I am going to order a few ice fishing lights for lighting up jigs and I was looking at Lureviewer.com. They offer three different colors 1) white LED 2) Red LED 3) UV Led.

    Which would you suggest the purpose of glowing up jigs?


    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    UV or white. Red will do nothing. I once told a buddy to light his jig up with a red LED, he sat there for a good 30 seconds trying until he about pushed me out of my chair I was laughing so hard. I just use my headlamp as I usually keep it in my pocket while ice fishing. I have a buddy with a lure lightning on his Vex and he loves it.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I have been using the Northland UV Glo-Buster Mini-Flashlight for a few years. It works well and at $10 its not a bad deal. Ive seen LED flashlights at the counter at stores like northern tool for as little as $1. Not sure if they work as well though, but I don’t see why not. Think it was on a different forum but there was some dude who studied paint or light or something that wrote up a whole article basically on the science behind glowing light. Was more than I needed to know about it but it he seemed to dispel some of the myths.

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 955

    I had been using a bright white flashlight and the Lindy taser, both worked ok. Last year I was given a UV flashlight as a gift. It was a shocking difference. I could have read a road map by the glow of my jigs.

    Posts: 229

    UV all the way, got mine at Lowes for $6 or so

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