Which custom ice rod should i choose

  • Morel King
    Posts: 524

    Seriously deliberating buying a custom ice rod … currently i am leaning towards a DH rod but also looking at TUCR . Is one company ahead of the other or are they both equally good choice?

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    Both good choices. It seems the 2nd hand tucr’s sell for a premium and very quickly on here.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    For you ice fishermen, where can I find a good strike indicator for an ice rod?

    Dan Baker
    Posts: 953

    I was in the same boat as you 2 years ago. I knew I wanted a custom rod, but wasn’t sold on a brand. I was choosing between Thorne, DH, and TUCR. The main thing that helped me decide was looking at reviews of the 3 companies and their rods. One of the companies had kind of a lot of negative reviews about customer service, one had very favorable reviews on customer service, and the third seemed fine, but nothing really stood out. I decided to go to the ice fishing show and check out the builders in person. I couldn’t get one to talk to me. One sold everything under the sun…and a few custom rods. The last one went out of there way to make me feel appreciated and even gave my son a hat! This was the same company with all the great reviews.

    In summary, I have no issue with Thorne, but it felt more like a store than a builder to me. I felt so good about my experience at TUCR, that after visiting their shop a number of times after the show, I convinced them to let me work for them. I am really proud to be part of their team.

    In short, most high end rods will give you similar high end preformance. But it’s a lot harder to find high end companies.


    Morel King
    Posts: 524

    Thanks dan that’s the kind of answer i was looking for ! Much appreciated waytogo

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    most high end rods will give you similar high end preformance.

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