Where to find big pike on Namakan or Sand Point?

  • Reef W
    Posts: 2964

    We will be camping on Namakan right next to Namakan Narrows this weekend. I want to try deadbaiting for some bigger pike but am not sure where to go. I have never gone through the narrows into Sand Point Lake and am only familiar with the end of Namakan.

    At this time of year should I be in shallow weedy areas like Hammer Bay or will the big ones have moved out deeper already?

    Trying to search for pike advice I see Grassy Bay in Sand Point brought up a lot but it seems like they are always talking about end of the year. I’ve never been down there to see what Swansons Bay or Grassy Bay look like, should I be heading down there?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17067

    Define big. You are camping a stones throw from a couple of good spots for us.

    Reef W
    Posts: 2964

    Define big. You are camping a stones throw from a couple of good spots for us.

    I was just reading your post about this from 2013 lol

    I’ve caught a 35″ before, right from shore on Williams Island, but last year on the end by narrows all I was catching were ~25″ or smaller snakes trolling. To be fair I didn’t try very hard and was trolling shallow with husky jerks and spinners. This year I want to try for 35″+. I don’t have line counters or lead core so I have little confidence in trying to troll deeper water because I don’t know where I actually am.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17067

    Reef I sent you a PM. Remember the info is worth just what you paid for it. jester

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 812

    This is probably too late for you for this trip, but I’ll chime in anyway. I tend to fish 20 to 40 foot areas with deep divers like the Rapala Tail Dancers. This time of year, you can do well in shallow bays. Bass-size spinnerbaits in lily pad areas are a good option, as are weedless spoons, tipped with a curly tail grub. If that doesn’t work, fish 20 to 40 foot areas with deep divers like Rapala Tail Dancers. Metered line doesn’t cost a lot, and it works fine for deep water trolling or just as a regular casting line. Another option is snap weights. The chart included with the weights explains how to use them. Good luck.



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